Courtney Theriault Profile picture
Host, the conveniently named Courtney Theriault Show on @CHED880 2-4pm & @GoElks gameday host. Passionate procrastinator. email:
Feb 5 7 tweets 1 min read
To summarize, that's 15 border crossers nabbed making their way north at the US-Canada border (9 at Coutts, 6 at Emerson) during two separate incidents, with another illegal crosser dead from self-inflicted gun wound during RCMP chase in third incident that began at Coutts. RCMP are urging people to NOT cross the border on foot, noting that temperatures during these incidents were in the -20 and -30 range, not accounting for windchill.

They add people ahve died attempting this crossing during colder months.
Nov 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Alberta's 2023 wildfire season ends with a total of 1,094 wildfires with 2,214,957 hectares burned.

The previous five-year average was 190,000 hectares burned per year. #yeg #yyc #ableg In all, 48 communities were affected by wildfires, with more than 38,000 Albertans were evacuated.
May 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
And... Stephen Harper throws his support directly behind Danielle Smith and UCP. #Yeg #yyc #ableg So, that's Harper and Poilievre in Danielle Smith's camp, along with former PC cabinet minister Ted Morton.

For the NDP, endorsements come from many former Progressive Conservatives, ranging from Thomas Lukaszuk and Doug Griffiths to peeps from Peter Lougheed's inner circle
May 24, 2023 37 tweets 7 min read
A bit of a party to greet Art Pawlowski at his moon presser where he’s promising more info on his interactions with Danielle Smith. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image Okay, Art Pawlowski’s plan to hold his presser on the ledge steps is apparently changing, he’s holding it on the federal plaza, so now we’re all heading that way wheeeeee
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

Danielle Smith announces that UCP Bill 1 would be 'The Taxpayer Protection Amendment Act' - legislation meaning any increase on personal taxes or corporate taxes would need to pass a referendum- also pledges to strengthen same against PST proposals. #yeg #yyc #ableg Smith asked if she would include a carbon tax in this legislation.

She says her government continues to fight it, and calls on Rachel Notley to end the retail carbon tax, says removing it is their first priority.
May 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
"I will be a premier for all Albertans."

Notley making her pitch to tepid Conservative voters.

Says she will not raise income taxes, fees and personal costs.

Adds she will balance budget and not run deficits.

Says economic plan will create good jobs and draw investment. Image Notley says she will put Albertans priorities every time.

Cites going toe to toe with "BC's NDP government" to make sure the TMX expansion went ahead.
May 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Danielle Smith asked if she would include vaccine status in Human Rights Act.

Says "we're not going to do that."

But adds they are waiting on Preston Manning's interim report and look at recommendations and make decisions about future pandemics then. #yeg #yyc #ableg What influence does Take Back Alberta have on your government?

Smith says UCP is one person, one vote- calls it a very positive approach to have many voices.

Adds in this model, there's no way that TBA rises to that level of influence.
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
UCP leader Danielle Smith lays out her party's job and economy plan.

That includes launching the 'Alberta is Calling' signing bonus - a $1,200 payment to newcomers who fill voids in applicable fields. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image Smith also announces as AB graduation retention tax credit to keep more graduates in Alberta- which would be a non-refundable tax credit worth between $3k-$10k, depending on the program.
May 3, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
UCP claim that NDP's previous pledge to make Alberta’s electricity grid net-zero by 2035 would cost a total of $87B. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image For those asking, the UCP is eyeing a 2050 net zero plan, but has not provided details or costs for their plan. #yeg #yyc #ableg…
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

UCP Youtube live stream of their day one launch was initially over 30 minutes, including a Q&A with Danielle Smith.

The stream has now been chopped down to 10 minutes, removing the Q&A portion with Smith. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image It's not the only UCP presser that removed the Q&A.

The UCP's newser calling out the NDP on police is now just 5 minutes. Image
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Heads up, Edmonton.

A FIRE BAN is now in effect as dry, windy and hot conditions are creating a recipe for fire nastiness. #yeg #yegcc #yegwx Fire ban in Edmonton means no:

open burning
backyard fire pits
cooking stoves and BBQs that use fuels such as wood and briquettes #yeg #yegwx #yegcc
Apr 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Here's the video shared by the Alberta NDP from Jun 3, 2021 on the Alberta Enterprise Group Youtube where she makes reference to restoring the payment relationship in healthcare. #yeg #yyc #ableg NDP Sarah Hoffman asked about the timing of the clip - after her time at CORUS but also a year before running for UCP leadership.

Hoffman says this is the authentic Danielle Smith.
Apr 21, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
"We are no closer to the truth."

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam is urging the feds to assert control over management and cleanup of the Kearl site, saying hearings this week have yielded more questions than answers from oil and gov officials. #yeg #Yyc #ableg Image "It created fear, the fear was real, it was palpable."

The federal committee took Imperial Oil to task Thursday over the way they communicated with FN and Metis communities over the Kearl site seepage. #yeg #yyc #ableg
Mar 29, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read

In a leaked video chat with Artur Pawlowski, Premier Danielle Smith says “I can assure you, I have asked them (prosecutors) that almost weekly ever since I got started here” about COVID prosecutions.

#yeg #yyc #ableg Premier Smith says she was hesitant to go public with her support of Pawlowski and others because that's what got PMJT in trouble in JWR situation.

She adds that she assumed that Premiers had clemency powers like U.S Governors.
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The red serge of the Mounties on prominent display as Edmonton mourns Csts. Brett Ryan and Trevor Jordan. #yeg #yyc A strong and touching show of support today from officers grieving the loss of two close police family members. #Yeg #yyc
Nov 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
NDP leader Rachel Notley says Danielle Smith will address the affordability crisis that the UCP caused in the first place. Notley says UCP raised AISH at the start of their term only to de-index it- now reversing that again.

Notley also points to recent comments made by Smith about Albertans paying for their own doctor's visits.
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Premier Danielle Smith begins her TV address by saying she will deal with affordability crisis.

Blames spending by Ottawa and anti-energy policies.

#Yeg #yyc #ableg NEW:

Premier Smith announces slate of new measures in order to deal with inflation in Alberta.

#Yeg #yyc #ableg
Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith sparks debate over Health Spending Accounts… Here's part of the interview with Premier Smith from June 2021 where she says it was a mistake for Alberta to remove health care premiums - adding she wanted to bring it back in a "smarter" way. #yeg #yyc #ableg
Nov 18, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Several Indigenous leaders including the Chiefs of Treaty 6, Treaty 7 and Treaty 8 are uniting to oppose Premier Danielle Smith's proposed Sovereignty Act.
#yeg #Yyc #ableg Image Chief Tony Alexis says the Sovereignty bill is unconstitutional and illegal.

Must uphold their treaties as they are international agreements and they do not plan to ever give up their land.

Will not let colonial governments ignore their rights.
Nov 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read

Federal govt says they're pulling in foreign supply of kids medicine and after next week, more than one-million bottles of liquid ibuprofen and acetaminophen will have entered Canada for hospitals, pharmacies and retailers and will be on shelves early next week. Health officials add that bilingual labelling has not been an issue in kids medicine shortage.

They add that they are looking into amoxicillin issue to meet demand.
Nov 17, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read

Alberta reports 6 new influenza deaths, including in a child aged 1-4.

#yeg #yyc #ableg Here's a look at how hard the flu has his various age groups across Alberta so far - seems to be hitting the young and old the most.

#YeG #yyc #ableg