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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckTrump #FuckReformUK Occasionally on

Jun 7, 2021, 5 tweets

Negative stereotypes harm all of us.

Supporters of #BlackLivesMatter aren't necessarily 'woke Marxists' (though some might be).

Similarly, people who boo England players for taking the knee in solidarity with victims of #racism aren't necessarily 'racist dickheads'. 👍

Bonus Fun Fact:

As a New York born only child of Jewish parents of German origin, & a young socialist, the 'founding father of modern journalism', Walter Lippmann, was the first person to use the word "stereotype" in the modern psychological sense.

Lippmann, critical of US Chief wartime propagandist George Creel, advised Woodrow Wilson that censorship should "never be entrusted to anyone who is not himself tolerant, nor to anyone who is unacquainted with the long record of folly which is the history of suppression".

However, an historic meeting of primarily French & German liberal intellectuals was convened in Paris on August 1938 to discuss the ideas put forward by Lippmann in his 1937 work, 'The Good Society'.

They named the meeting after Lippmann, calling it the Colloque Walter Lippmann.

The meeting was the precursor to the first meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, convened in 1947 by economist Friedrich von Hayek.

At both meetings, discussions centered around what a new liberalism, or #neoliberalism, should look like.

The rest, as they say, is history.

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