MattKane.eth 🎨 Profile picture
Artist & Coder. 🕳️🐢 🍃: 🌘: 🚪: 🐸: @notkamotos 🕸️: 🤝: 🖼️: @newherexyz

Jun 8, 2021, 10 tweets

Does anyone else get tingly talking about #NFT metadata? I'm doing a couple new things on my NFT that is part of #NativelyDigital, that I'd like to briefly explain. (1/9)… #cryptoart

As an artist who works with code, it's important to reference at least some software and libraries that I use. Personally, I don't want to get carried away into processor speeds, but some high level context of my development environment is in order. Let's use metadata! (2/9)

@intellijidea is my preferred IDE for @Java development. I utilize an older version of @ProcessingOrg with the help of @lager_p's G4P GUI tools. Acknowledgement in the metadata of an #NFT feels appropriate for a whole host of circumstances any artist runs into. (3/9)

These libraries helped me focus on developing more unique parts of my software. Even when we say we build our software from scratch, we're often standing on the shoulders of giants to do that.🙏Artists should recognize them and can use metadata to do this.🙏(4/9) #generativeart

A unique thing about my paintings is that they are databases, not pixels. So I can extract curious little statistics, such as the fact that 52 unique colors make up this painting. And there are 90,361 ellipses. These belong in the metadata.😃(5/9)

While creating the original 'Meules after Claude Monet' painting in 2017, I manually interacted with 218 different variables within my software. And I made a total of 2,272 changes across those variables. That's before I ever animated it. (6/9)

Recording some of these statistics to publicly available metadata might help reveal patterns over time in my workflow. Or provide comparative contexts between different paintings I make. That's why I'll begin recording this in the metadata. (7/9)

My favorite part of the metadata is where I transact what this artwork truly is, beyond being a digital painting. This video, also archived as part of the NFT, explains it best. But there it is highlighted in the metadata- "the medium is the message."(8/9)

Lastly, I explained in yesterday's post about the Arweave and IPFS archives that @nameless_nft helped make part of the NFT's metadata. I hope this was helpful in understanding how we can use metadata to add value to our art- and also to others. ❤️ (9/9)

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