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Zonal Office of Press Information Bureau @PIB_India, M/o Information & Broadcasting @MIB_India, Government of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Jun 15, 2021, 11 tweets


Media briefing on actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19, to begin shortly

Live from 4 PM


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JS, @MoHFW_INDIA addressing the media on actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19


JS, @MoHFW_INDIA shares age bifurcation of #COVID19 cases in first and second #COVID wave

Says, there is no need to panic about children getting infected in successive waves; need to spread awareness among children and every family in the society



Precautions to be taken while traveling:

Avoid using public transportation unless necessary
Avoid using a crowded car to ensure physical distancing
Keep windows open to maintain a constant flow of fresh air

As we open up, our discipline becomes very important in both avoiding and passing on #COVID19 infection

As markets open up, we need to ensure,
👉we don't crowd
👉we maintain physical distancing
👉we wear mask & that too correctly

- Member(Health) @NITIAayog

As we open up, our efforts at testing, isolation and containment become all the more important

If we are able to adopt micro-containment and localize the spread of #Coronavirus, we will be able to keep infection under control

Society & system must work together

- @NITIAayog

Must invoke containment principle effectively

The earlier the containment measures, the more effective it will be

More transmissible variants are in circulation now

Containment efforts need to be stronger; #COVID19 appropriate behaviour to be adopted rigorously

- @NITIAayog

#Novavax vaccine will be produced in India, hopefully in very large quantities

Preparatory work has already been done by @SerumInstIndia; they are in collaboration with the original company.

Bridging trial too is in advanced stages of completion

- @NITIAayog

Efficacy and positive results of this study augur well for our nation

There will be some gap for a while, till when the production ramps up and regulatory requirements are met

- @NITIAayog

We hope they will complete trial as scheduled and start trials in children

As we have safety data for adults, it is time we start bridging trials in children, a population of special interest to us

- @NITIAayog

Pace of #Vaccination should see renewed energy from next week onwards, when our efforts will be realigned with more effective coordination and scale-up at the ground level along with private sector coverage in a very equitable way

- @NITIAayog

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