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Working with educators to ensure the safeguarding of all students in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 – offering unbiased evidence-based guidance & support

Jun 23, 2021, 8 tweets

“Supporting trans pupils in school” from @JustLikeUsUK for #SchoolDiversityWeek

They state ‘do not share this document with staff outside of your school’. We wonder why?

Is it because it undermines #safeguarding? Breaches guidance & law or says biological sex is a spectrum?

#SchoolDiversityWeek promotion of puberty blockers taking no account of #KeiraBell ruling. Repeated conflation of sex with gender.

#WomenEd #Teachertwitter #edutwitter

More misrepresentations of the law and undermining of #safeguarding from @justlikeus for #SchoolDiversity week. Advising hiding of child’s sex & mixed sex facilities, leaving schools open to legal action.

#edutwitter #WomenEd #Teachertwitter

Next four pages of misrepresentations of the law by @JustLikeUsUK for #SchoolDiversityWeek. Schools must be inclusive & safe for all pupils. This guidance takes no account of other pupils rights to privacy & dignity & leaves schools open to legal action.

#WomenEd #edutwitter

And yet another four pages of undermining of #safeguarding, misrepresentations of law & disregard for the rights of others from @JustLikeUsUK for #SchoolDiversityWeek.

Bizarre that @educationgovuk are endorsing this in breach of their own guidelines.

#WomenEd #edutwitter #PSHE

And finally links to these resources, many of which are biased & have had #safeguarding concerns raised about them. Google news stories on mermaids & Allsorts.

@JustLikeUsUK #SchoolDiversityWeek

In short this ‘resource’ contains all the same issues as the @OxfordshireCC toolkit that following legal action was found to be ‘arguably unlawful’ by the high court & had to be withdrawn you can read about it on our website.


We are still waiting to hear from @educationgovuk @GavinWilliamson @HackneyAbbott @SarahChampionMP @cj_dinenage @carolinelucas @VirendraSharma @carolinenokes @libdemdaisy & others explaining why on earth they have endorsed these damaging resources.

#SchoolDiversityWeek #PSHE

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