Jonathan Ware Profile picture
Enquiries: DM. Military Historian. 'Valuable' according to IWM. Jocks, Dragons and Sospans: Through Normandy with 53rd Welsh Division (2022). #WW2 #SWW #History

Jun 28, 2021, 11 tweets

The Administrative History of the Operations of 21 Army Group on the Continent of Europe: 6 June 1944 to 8 May 1945.

This covers Part I through Phase I.

Properly meaty stuff.

Please #RT, share & DL!

Our shared heritage is best shared!
#WW2 #SWW #History /1

If you particularly enjoy this feel free to sling me a coffee! /2








Some useful appendices. /10

I hope you found this useful!

If you did & particularly want to sling me a coffee, feel free! /thread

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