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Jul 5, 2021, 27 tweets

DeFi Q2 report is out! Full report will be released soon. Here is the thread of it! Please enjoy and email us if you have any thoughts about it or need any help.(

#UNI became the most dominant token in the top 15 #DeFi tokens, accounting 37% of the top15’s mkt.cap, #10 among all cryptocurrencies. #AAVE became protocol with the highest TVL, more than $10bn. Only #MKR & #CAKE decreased in mkt.cap.

May 19 crash caused the price of #ETH halved, while the TVL of the total market decreased by only 40%. We witnessed the TVL peaked more than $100bn in May, a history record was made. 🚀🚀🚀

In terms of prices, #MKR gave its investors positive return all the time in Q2. The second and third best token in Q2 are #YFI and #CAKE, with a negative return of -7.8% and -19%, respectively. #0x and #GRT decreased by more than 60% compared with the beginning of Q2.

And we also got so many memories. :P :P :P 😊

The total trading volume in the DEX market over 2021Q2 was $341B. Compared with 2021Q1, the trading volume increased 54% from $221B. And @Uniswap is *God Like*.

It is not just itself. @Uniswap is about to create a space where we can expect to see a whole *Uniswap V3 Ecosystem*. Protocols like @CharmFinance, @VisorFinance, @lixirfinance, and @multipleprotocol are been built on top of @Uniswap. More are coming in liquidity management, MM…

The marketcaps of top 5 synthetic asset protocols' tokens shrink from 55% to 76% scale in Q2. @mirror_protocol is among the first place in the aspect of TVL ($1.94bn), and @synthetix_io, @LinearFinance, @mstable_ rank the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th places respectively.

Besides, we are also seeing emerging protocols in the the spaces of synthetics assets like @synthetify, @official_fabric, @MercurialFi, and @PlutosNetwork on @solana. @XCarnival_Lab on @BinanceChain

Indexes. Most of the indexes built on Ethereum, while Solana’s eco merge some new players. @SetProtocol holds the highest TVL, @indexcoop ranks the second places of TVL @ndxfi @powerpoolfi @BasketDAOOrg @CryptexFinance @NFTX_ @unlimitedcope @Rope_Official

Perp contracts protocols. All the prices of tokens decreased from 20% (@MonteCarloDEX) to 94% (@dFuture_finance). Only @perpprotocol and @InjectiveLabs’s market cap has increased in Q2.

@perpprotocol has collected $15.1m fee with $15.1b trading volume, while @futureswapx’s trading volume in Q2. @InjectiveLabs has launched its main net and @DDX_Official is about to launch its own soon.

While the *big boss* is still @dydxprotocol with $27b trading volume in Q2. But fee collect by @dydxprotocol ($3.1m) is about 5x less than @perpprotocol ($15.1m). dYdX also finished a $65m funding raising in Q2.

Clearly, there will be another “DeFi Summer”. @SynFuturesDefi raised $14m in series A. @MonteCarloDEX raised $7m. @dtradeorg raised $6.4m in the seed round. @Vegaprotocol raised $5m. @tracer_dao raised $4.5m. @shield_dao raised $2m. @QilinProtocol raised $0.8m in the first round.

A stupid mistake. dYdX’s trading volume is $2.7b instead of $27b. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

Insurance. We see 3 major trends:
1) Versatile Protection: more risks, more ecosystem coverage;
2) Customized Solution: cooperate with other projects to provide ToB risk solutions;
3) Combine with traditional insurance products.

Options. @opyn_ holds the No.1 place in terms of TVL with $63.6m. @HegicOptions ranks the second place with $40m, and @siren rands the third with $8m TVL. Although the TVL grew in Q2, No. of active users grew slowly.

Besides, we also saw new features/products in Q2. @divergencedefi and @InverseProject brought binary options to the market. @PodsFinance @dopex_io and @oddz_finance finished funding in Q2 and about brought vanilla options. @ZetaMarkets (Solana) @antimatterdefi (perp options).

Structured products. As #DeFi is getting bigger, @ribbonfinance brought structured products in a decentralized way to us. They have made 3 products with covered call and put selling strategy. Vaults’ capacity are 10k #ETH, 500 #WBTC, and $20m #USDC, which are all full currently.

Despite the affection of “5·19”, the overall DeFi lending market keeps growing during the last quarter, since the debt-outstanding increased about 48.6% to 15.127 Billion.

#DeFi #Lending The borrow rates of #DAI on @AaveAave market were massively high in April due to the bolster of crypto market.

Finally we have fixed interested protocols that utilizes existing interest bearing tokens. @pendle_fi divides the interest bearing tokens into two, and designed an AMM with the value of yield tokens' value increasing with time. While the ownership tokens traded on @SushiSwap.

@NotionalFinance designed an AMM with the pool of fCash and DAI, where the price of fCash implies the interest rate. Fixed interest rate is achieve by the number of fCash hold by addresses.

@element_fi is similar to @pendle_fi, and the difference is that Element’s AMM is for principle token (ownership token) and it is time-appreciating. Yield token is traded in normal AMM.

@SwivelFinance Similar to Pendle and Element in the way of separating interest bearing token into two tokens. While orderbook is utilized in Swivel instead of AMM. Tokens in other protocol also supported in Swivel to be traded.

@APWineFinance Alpha and Beta featured an order booked model. V1 has not officially launched and AMM will be used in V1 for trading (yield) tokens.

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