Vlad Lupan (NY) 🇲🇩 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 🇺🇳 Profile picture
Part-time Professor at FDU & NYU (open2work). Moldova Ex-Ambassador to UN. Ex-peacekeeper in 3missions. Quoted by Politico, SkyNews, BBC, LeMonde. Book below:

Jul 11, 2021, 27 tweets

#Moldova election day, July 11 - about 48.28% of the registered voters have exercised their right to elect by 21.43hrs in the Republic of Moldova and abroad. This is a considerably lower percentage than during Presidential elections:

2. The approximate distribution by gender and age of the voters in #Modova elections today (as it was recorded at 21.43hrs Moldovan time) is aprox 54% women voters and aprox. 45% men.

3. Preliminary exit poll data - based on phone interviews and w/o Transnistrian region - was presented at around 20.00hrs #Moldova time with PAS (President Sandu's) in lead. Yet, exit polls in the previous elections have been wildly inaccurate, resulting in confusion.

The link to 20.00hrs by Watchdog.MD and IPP exit poll Youtube presentation can be found here (in Romanian):

The voting aboard continues. One of the European MPs monitoring the elections @SMuresan posted this photo on his FB account at around 11.00hrs R. #Moldova time, showing the lines/queue to vote in Frankfurt, Germany:

6. Another Central electoral Commission aggregated data chart shows the following figures, percentages, age and ender distribution of voting in #Moldova elections at around 22.00hrs local time - 260258 votes. The voting in USA & Canada continues.

7. For the 1st time the vote in NY is not hosted by the Mission to UN, but by "Moldova" restaurant in Brooklyn. While small, the Mission was a standard location for years & piece of #Moldova territory in US & Brooklyn is more distant to aggregated majority of NJ, NY or CT voters!

8. Latest 2 opinion polls ahead of today's vote showed the following figures for #Moldova elections: BPC July 1st poll (including traditional ~24% undecided) indicated 35% preference for PAS (pro-West), 21% for Socialist-Communist block (pro-Russia), others less than threshold:

9. July 5th Public Opinion Barometer (BOP) showed the following preferences for today's #Moldova elections - anti-corruption PAS 33.7%, corrupt (with evidence; Russia) Socialist-Commies block 25.2% and opportunistic/corruption riddled Shor Party 6%


10. Depending on real figures there's still chance that my earlier observation on #Moldova elections (Maia Sandu's PAS to govern alone) could come true. The local @RFERL local office assumed on exit poll data an (optimistic) figure of overwhelming 64 seats for PAS out of 101:

11. Before I vote in New York in #Moldova elections, I'd ask President Sandu:
1. To make sure her decisions are well informed - she was an Education minister, but have heard concerns(!), yet co-voted her PM decision to allow the concession of MLD airport to an ex-KGB Rus officer.

12. We voted for the new #Moldova President to bring anti-corruption and, thus, a pro-Western rule of law and welfare state. This also means avoiding people with TOO good contacts to the East, even if they know how to talk softly & seemingly right, to make one feel comfortable...

13. Educating #Moldova voters in the past politicla moves and elections that aligning yourself with the a devil to take out another can backfire. The voters can become dangerously immoral, turn back to you. It will undermine democracy itself in the long run & this time for good.

14. An important takeaway regarding the fact that less people voted in extremely important July 11 #Moldova elections than in the presidential ones in 2020, could be a sign of concern to Presdient Sandu's political program (a preliminary warning w/o seeing voting results).

15. For 23.00hrs #Moldova time, preliminary results are - 69.53% polling station protocols/reports were counted

16. Already at 23.02 hrs around 72% polling station reports counted the percentages of the votes are as follows - ab. 46% pro-West anti-corrupt PAS/Sandu, 31% pro-Russian SocialistCommunist/Dodon, 7% corruption suspected PPS/Shor, thus confirming my predictions a few months ago.

P.S. For those who haven't read my previous - a most serious journalistic investigation showed ex-President Dodon of Socialist Party reporting to a Kremlin unit lead by SVR officers (SVR = ex-1st KGB Directorate, now Russian external intelligence service)

18. #Moldova elections update - by 01.00hrs night (MLD time) over 95% of the polling stations protocols/reports are counted & President Sandu's PAS (anti-corruption, pro-Western) increases to 48%, Pro-Russian Socialist/Communist block goes down to 30%, corruption suspect Shor 6%

19. At 02.20hrs MLD time close to 98% of polling stations reports in #Moldova elections are counted. At this point it's the diaspora vote in #USA & #Canada that comes in last. Diaspora overwhelmingly voted for anti-coruption pro-Western PAS giving it 84% of votes, as follows:

20. While PAS victory and the right to govern alone is practically sealed, I will add mine and my family vote to #Moldova elections at the polling station in New York (Brooklyn) in a few minutes. See you there & I hope PAS won't disappoint.

21. There was no line at the NY polling station for #Moldova elections at 8pm EST USA, it was next to "Moldova" restaurant, passport online verification vs electoral register was fast, the 3 of us were processed in minutes (manually), observers were present. Voted for #Moldova

22. Final figures for #Moldova elections on July 11 - presence 1,477,574 voters = 48.41%.
1. Anti-coruption=pro-Western PAS 52.80%
2. Corruption riddled Socialist -Communist Block 27.17%
3. Corruption involved Shor's Party 5.74%

23. In terms of participation - note a good observation by a prominent #Moldova journalist working for both Moldovan and international media "if we vote for our future, why didn't that future came out to vote?" - young voters (18-25yo) participation was a mere 7.36%

23. Moldova capital city vote (Municipality, incl. the city, suburbs & villages), run by a Socialist mayor, was:
1. PAS 56.77%
2. Socialist-Communist block (of the Mayor) only 28.40%
3. Shor etc under 4%.
4. PPDA (ex-winner of unlawfully cancelled mayoral elections) 2.16%

24. Slightly over 210,000 votes of diaspora in #Moldova July 11 elections crushed the Socialist-Communist Block (came in 4th), possibly meaning even diaspora in Russia voted for PAS etc, despite Kremlin's support for Dodon. Diaspora final results: PAS=86.23%, all others under 3%

25. In comparison to #Moldova proper, diaspora younger voters of 18-25yo participation in July 11 elections was 12.04%, after the very active 26-40yo group (49.67% of voters) & relatively active group of 41-55yo (27.15%), while 56-70yo group that emigrates less was still 10.64%

26. #Moldova July 11 elections mandates distribution, in 101 seats Parliament:
1. PAS - 63 seats; 3rd time a party will govern alone in MLD & the highest percentage a party ever won, beating Communist 2001 results (50.07%)
2. Socialist-Communist Block - 32 seats
3. Shor - 6 seats

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