Nick Norwitz Profile picture
PhD @UniofOxford, MD student @Harvard. Metabolic health enthusiast. #LMHR #LEM researcher. Opinions are my own, but data are data. “Stay Curious” 🤓

Jul 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Circulating levels of Lipoprotein Lipase inhibiting factor ANGPTL8 are associated with increased all-cause mortality and CVD risk .@DaveKeto Thoughts?
#metabolism #cvd #LEM
P.S. (ANGPTL8 aka "betatrophin" in the literature)……

2/ Also, it's all very mechanistic, with ANGPTL4 vs. 3/8 being oppositely regualted by feeding and fasting in a tissue specific manner such that fasting decreases fat storage in adopicytes and feeding promotes it.

And, perhaps, unsuprislingly, the lipid metabolism is...

3/ w.r.t ANGPTLs (and specifically 4, which controls local LPL activity) is linked with glucose homeostasis...

4/ Also, exercise locally induces ANGPTL4 in adipocytes so as to direct fat fuel to working muscles.

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