Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #cvd

Most recents (24)

1a) Welcome to a live-tweeted, #accredited #tweetorial from @nationallipid #NLA23 in #Atlanta on advances in #hyperlipidemia management #LLT. Our expert returning faculty is Pam R. Taub, MD @PamTaubMD #cardiologist from @UCSDHealth ImageImageImage
1b) Dr. Taub is a clinician/scientist and is a frequent contributor to our #accredited programs. She is the founding director of the Step Family Foundation Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Center at #UCSD.
#FOAMed #cardiotwitter @MedTweetorials #MedEd #lipids Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Esperion Therapeutics & is intended for #HCPs. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at Earn 0.75 hr 🆓CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
Read 48 tweets
The @capher_india consultation meeting on #AirPollution & health to inform India’s revision of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards is now underway! Image
To learn more about CAPHER-India (Collaborative for Air Pollution and Health Effects Research—India), check out the website for the network >
Dr. Mukesh Sharma @IITKanpur gave an overview of considerations and questions in the NAAQS revision process.

He also highlighted that there is a need for broad engagement across stakeholder groups to ensure that all aspects are considered and different viewpoints are heard.
Read 14 tweets
Unveiling the Paradox: Do Statins Fuel the Fire of Heart Disease?

This is a deep dive 🧵into the mechanistic relationship between statins and coronary heart disease.

#statins #CVD #heartdisease #cholesterol #mitochondria Image
The ‘bad & good cholesterol hypothesis’ has lost its foundation.

Although lowering the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio is possible with drugs such as statins, this is not effective in preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Proxy measurements such as LDL-C are a breeding ground for scientific arrogance.

Does the measurement really mean what you think it means?

Have you looked into the assumptions that connect the proxy and the real thing?

Let's dig in.
Read 31 tweets
You can join the livestream for this workshop being organized by @HEIresearch @EuroRespSoc & @ISEE_global

@DrMariaNeira joins the meetings from the #WHA76 urges the #AirQuality community to work closely with climate change.

She also notes that EU should take the lead and be the first to use the ambitious @WHO air quality guidelines.

Read 21 tweets
📌#HeartFailure2023 #HFA_ESC ¿De qué se está hablando en Praga🇨🇿? Parte 2⃣.

💡Aquí info seleccionada de la cobertura & publicaciones de @WilfriedMullens @HanCardiomd @escardio

📌STRONG-HF: subanálisis segun eGFR y edad..
#CardioTwitter #MedTwitter #CVD Image
📌ENACT-HF: terapia guiada por natriuresis🧂💦 Image
📌PARADISE: Camino del pte con disnea en ER🏥. Image
Read 10 tweets
Sarcopenia and Cardiovascular Diseases: @CircAHA

From the Geriatric Cardiology Leadership Council: @ACCinTouch

Main congratulations to @Dr_Alfaraidy: a board certified geriatrician and a cardiology fellow - she is amazing AND the best: @ParagGoyalMD 👏

Summary👇👇👇 Image
1/ 🚨 Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle strength, mass & function, worsened by chronic illness like CVD, kidney disease, & cancer 😷🩺
2/ 👴👵 Older adults face higher risks: faster CVD progression, mortality, falls, & reduced quality of life 📉
Read 46 tweets
Statins, given like Halloween candy to those with >10% risk of CVD, can cause insulin resistance & diabetes.

A prime example of "double think".

This 🧵 explores how statins impede insulin sensitivity & damage our pancreas.

#statins #diabetes #T2DM #CVD #cholesterol Image
Let's start off by reminding ourselves that diabetes and the broader category of metabolic syndrome is one of the leading risk factors for CVD.

Any drug that claims to be protective of CVD, should not be impeding insulin sensitivity.
Statins are associated with increased incidence of T2DM, 10-28% in some studies.

One way this happens is by a reduction in insulin secretion - a hormone that facilitates glucose uptake from the bloodstream into cells. Image
Read 27 tweets
Tony Ferrante MD PhD of @ColumbiaMed providing an excellent systems based overview of the "metabolic" complications of #obesity and potential mechanisms: lipotoxicity, inflammation, adipokines

Some highlights:

1/ Image
Check out this relationship where higher BMI is associated with ↑ risk of #dementia EXCEPT in age >70 when it's better to be in "overweight" category

👉Aiming for a "normal BMI" is not the best goal for everyone
2/ Image
Unsurprising relationships between #CVD and #obesity
3/ Image
Read 6 tweets
#COVID19 #CVD #MetabolicDisorder and #FlushNiacin (will need equimolar Glutamine w/ it) per Double-Blinded Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials Evidence in Humans:

“This meta-analysis involved 2,110 patients with T2DM from 8 RCTs across a wide range of patients’……
^ High triglyceride to HDL-cholesterol ratio as a biochemical marker of severe outcomes in COVID-19 patients…

Low HDL and high triglycerides predict COVID-19 severity…

Triglyceride/High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio is……
^ "In our study, high niacin intake during lifestyle intervention was associated with a larger reduction of liver fat content without affecting insulin sensitivity"

“Among 58 subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) at baseline, NAFLD resolved in 23 subjects during……
Read 15 tweets
1/2 "#COVID-19 infection, including long-COVID, is associated with increased short- and long-term risks of #CVD and mortality."

#cardiovascular #disease #health #COVID19 #SARSCoV2
2/2 "Ongoing monitoring of #signs and #symptoms of developing these #cardiovascular #complications #post #diagnosis and up till at least a year post recovery may benefit infected patients, especially those with #severe #disease."

#PASC #LongCovid
1/2 "Compared to #uninfected individuals, the likelihood of #COVID-19 patients dying was up to 81 times higher in the first three weeks of infection and remained five times higher up to 18 months later."

#SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #cardiovascularhealth
Read 4 tweets
Bart Staels, PhD of Univ of Lille, France gave an outstanding talk on Interplay Between #NAFLD & #CVD at the #WCIRDC. CVD is the leading cause of death not liver disease. Fibrosis severity correlates with higher CVD risk. @WCIRDC @YHandelsmanMD…
Type 2 #diabetes and #NAFLD have a reciprocally injurious relationship mediated through common pathophysiology magnifying the risk for #CVD events. @zilbermint @AlinaAllenMD
#NAFLD is considered the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and is closely linked to:
#Obesity, especially visceral adiposity
✅Insulin resistance
✅Chronic inflammation
Read 9 tweets
🧵#BloodPressure 🎯 in people w/ cardiovascular disease

1/ In this updated @CochraneLibrary review, we wanted to know if lower bp goals are better than standard bp goals for ppl with #hypertension who also have CVD:

#CochraneEvidence #SystematicReview Image
2/ The author team & an information specialist searched for studies:

✅ that compared lower #BloodPressure targets to standard bp🎯
✅ which included people with #hypertension and #CVD (heart disease, angina, stroke, vascular disease)

#SystematicReview #HighBloodPressure Image
3/ Trial selection criteria:

✅RCTs with more than 50 people/group
✅Minimum 6 months follow‐up
✅Data for at least 1 primary outcome (total mortality, serious adverse events, total cardiovascular events, cardiovascular mortality) Image
Read 7 tweets
¿Cuál es el beneficio la Empaglifozina en #CKD?

💊Empa 10 vs Plcbo
👥 6.6K a 2 años.
⬇️28% progresión d IR & muerte CV (FINAL 1⃣º).

⬇️14%🏥x cualquier causa (2⃣º).
⬇️29% progresión IR (2⃣º).

⛔️No redujo muerte CV (2⃣º)
⛔️No redujo muerte CV &🏥x IC (2⃣º) Image
👥Población seguida a 2 años (IC 1.5-2.4a):
👨 ≈63 a, 58% blancos
🔸46% diabéticos, 96% tipo 2
💔26% antecedentes CV
💊85% iRAS
🔹UACR ≈329
🔸Causa de #CKD: 31% diabetes, 21% HTA

⏳Filtrado glomerular promedio 37 mL/min/1.73:
🔸< 30 mL: 34%.
🔹30-44 mL: 44%.
🔸≥45% mL: 21%. Image
⬇️28% progresión IR & muerte CV (FINAL 1⃣º).

⬇️14%🏥x cualquier causa (pto 2⃣º).
⬇️29% progresión IR (pto 2⃣º).
⬇️29% IR terminal y muerte CV (pto 2⃣º).

⛔️No redujo muerte CV & 🏥por IC (pt2⃣º)
⛔️No redujo muerte x cualquier causa (pt 2⃣º)
⛔️No redujo muerte CV (pt 2⃣º) Image
Read 8 tweets
Let's review quickly all of the science I've come across in the past week that applies to high-fat ketogenic carnivore type diets.

I'll post the link, an image of the abstract, the title, and some hashtags on each one.

1/n - My public Zotero Database:…
Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria

"do not support causality"

#T2D #CVD #SystematicReview #RedMeat…
Do #Vegetarian Diets Provide Adequate Nutrient Intake during Complementary Feeding? A Systematic Review

Complementary Feeding is the period when you're weaning a child onto non-breastmilk foods.

TLDR: "Not safe, critical micronutrient deficiency risk"…
Read 23 tweets
📌DELIVER Trial #ESCCongress

🔸RCT - 20 países🌐
🔹6.2K👥IC estable con FEY >40%
🔸💊Dapa 10 mg vs Placebo
🔹🗓️Seguimiento ≈ 2.3 a

✅⬇️Muerte CV o empeoramente IC. HR 0.82
✅⬇️Hospitaliz total🏥 y muerte CV. HR 0.77
⛔️No redujo muerte CV o total

#Cardiotwitter Image
📃Varios hasta gaps en la evidencia con SGLT2:
🤔Ptes con FEY >60% se benefician?
🤔IC en🏥 y post alta inmediata?
🤔FEY mejorada >40%?

💡Hipótesis DELIVER: ¿Dapa⬇️el riesgo d empeoramiento d la IC o muerte CV en ptes con FEY levemente reducida o preservada?


#CVD Image
🔸71 a, 🚺43%
🔹90% NYHA II & III
🔸FEY media 54%
🔹FEY ≤ 49%:👥34%
🔸DBT 44% & HTA 88%👥
🔹GFR 61 mL/min Image
Read 7 tweets
📌ADVOR Trial #ESCCongress

🔸RCT 519👥 ICC aguda🏥🇧🇪
🔹1 signo congestión +proBNP >1000o BNP> 250
🔹FEY ≈ 43%
🔸500 mg Acetozolamida IV/día IV+ Furo IV vs Furo IV

🔸⬇️congestión a 3⃣días. HR 1.46
🔹Sin diferencias re🏥a 3 m seguimiento

#Cardiotwitter #CVD
🚩Farmacología y Población
🔹La acetazolamida es un⛔️inhibidor de la a. carbónica q⬇️la reabsorción d Na en el túbulo proximal y mejora su eficacia con d del asa💦
💡Seguro, efectivo, económico y sin patente

👥≈78a, FEY ≈ 43% (42% FEY <40%), CF III/ IV, 44% isquémicos

🚩Pto final 1ro 👉 descongestión exitosa: ausencia d sobrecarga de volumen (no más que un pequeño edema, sin derrame pleural residual, y sin ascitis residual) x puntuación d congestión dentro d 3⃣días

⬇️de congestión
🔸Sin diferencia EA
🔹Re🏥a 3 m ≈17% (SD)
Read 4 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on optimizing the role of the pharmacist in managing cardiometabolic disease! Accredited for 0.50 hr for #physicians #nurses #pharmacists! Expert faculty is Snehal Bhatt PharmD @SnayCardsPharmD of @BIDMChealth. Image
2a) This educational activity is supported by grants from Bayer, Otsuka, & Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company. See archived programs, all by expert authors, still available for credit at
2b) Accreditation statement and faculty disclosures are at We are your ONLY source for accredited education in CKD and #cardiorenal disease delivered wholly on Twitter. FOLLOW US!
Read 24 tweets
Today marks the start of #WHA75!

This week, @WHO, Ministries of Health, civil society, & more will discuss #GlobalHealth priorities.

Missing on agenda? #GlobalSurgery & 🫀 care.

Hence, I'll be sharing key points, papers, & developments in #GlobalCardiacSurgery in 75 tweets 👇 Image
(1/75) To start, what *is* #GlobalCardiacSurgery?

GCS extends far beyond OR, from community-based disease detection & efficient referral networks to timely care, long-term follow-up, robust supply chains & adequate financial risk protection. #WHA75

Read:… Image
(2/75) Why does #GlobalCardiacSurgery matter?

⚠️ Every year, 18 million people die from #CVD

🫀 500 million live with CVD; 100s of millions more to come.

🏥 Up to 1/3 will require #CTSurgery or interventional care in lifetime

Data @IHME_UW:…

#WHA75 ImageImageImage
Read 77 tweets
Dr. Tuttle discussing diabetic CKD and benefits of relatively new med Finerenone #AACE2022 Image
#diabetes is responsible for half of #CKD. CKD worsens CVD risk. 90% die from other cause before reaching ESRD #AACE2022 #endotwitter ImageImage
#ckd -- screen, treat and refer. #kdigo to help us know when to do it #diabetes #AACE2022 Image
Read 10 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on Cardiorenal Disease in T2D & the Impact of Blocking the MR in Patients w/DKD, another CE/#CME program by one of the @GoggleDocs, this time our friend @AmarPut, Diabetes & Endocrine Consultant in the West Midlands 🇬🇧. #CaReMe #FOAMed Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer & is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at CE/#CME credit 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
3) So first – the ‘triple threat’ . . . We know of the link between the 🫀 and the kidneys and the ‘#cardiorenal’ syndrome, but what about in the setting of #diabetes?
Read 55 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial from our good friends and #diabetes experts @GoggleDocs, specifically @drkevinfernando, @drpatrickholmes, & @AmarPut. They have put their 🗣️s together to provide us with a summary of the first-ever consensus statement from ...
2) ... @AmDiabetesAssn & @goKDIGO, which were discussed at the recently concluded #isnwcn congress in Kuala Lumpur. This joint document nicely summarizes important recent advances and practice-changing data for the management of diabetic #kidneydisease #DKD.
3) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists #nursepractitioners & is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US based healthcare professionals.
Read 29 tweets
You asked, so I'll deliver. This is what I know about responsible disclosure/#CVD/how to report security issues in other people’s software. Call it "10 Commandments of Durson" if you want. 🧵
1. Be verbose - more info is better. Don't assume that anyone will know what you're reporting from context. Include as many details and as much background as possible in your report.
2. Produce - *and provide* - a proof of concept which bears out your assertions. Any decent incident responder will be fine reading a 10 page description of your findings. But if they can't reproduce them, they can't help you.
Read 11 tweets
How #sleep loss may make physical #exercise more challenging for the #heart:

We find that sleep loss ⬆️ the exercise 🚴‍♀️-induced ⬆️ in blood levels of a #cardiac stress biomarker vs. after normal sleep

But note, exercise is essential for your health
🧵->… Image
2/ Extensive epidemiological data has found that sleep impacts the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

E.g. @uk_biobank (n~408k):

Vs. 7 h, sleep duration of ≤5 h & ≥9 h were associated with higher risk of CVD mortality & incidence (~+8-30%).…
3/ And elegant human experimental studies have shown that curtailed #sleep can adversely impact🫀physiology.

For instance, shortened sleep can ⬆️ #bloodpressure in humans, seen both after overnight wakefulness… & shortened sleep….
Read 23 tweets
1/ Wow!

Interesting study about HDL-raising & LDL-lowering medications, CETP & PCSK9 inhibitors, w 1 finding that caught me off guard

Will reveal later in thread 2encourage ppl 2read in context, bc study revealed both good and bad

#CVD #Alzheimers…
2/ Study used Mendelian randomization 2assess possible effects of SPECIFIC pharmacological CETP or PCSK9 lowering on risk

Useful for assessing whether the failures of CETP inhibitors are more likely due to off-target or on-target effects and for directing future development...
3/ Some positive things:
👉MR analysis suggests CEPT inhibition could be useful4reducing coronary hard disease risk (OR=0.95) risk & thus further drug development may be warranted

👉CEPTi anacetrapib&evacetrapib most closely
reflected the on-target association of lower CETP...
Read 10 tweets

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