Cory Morningstar Profile picture
Independent investigative journalist with artistic & intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with little regard for conventional rules of behaviour.

Aug 5, 2021, 5 tweets

"An Eco-wakening" - "Measuring global awareness, engagement & action for nature" - ©️The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021- commissioned by #WWF

Panel includes #WEF, #Avaaz, etc. Funding: #MAVA.
[p. 3]

Measuring social license required for financialization of #nature.

Economist Intell. Unit : "Through a global network of more than 650 analysts & contributors, the EIU continuously assesses & forecasts political, economic & business conditions in more than 200 countries."

#CorporateCoup of the commons

#COVID19 as catalyst. #NaturePositive

“This research shows how much people value the natural world, their willingness to make changes [] & their increasing calls for leaders to take meaningful action." [p. 5]

"New Power" - "The ability to harness the connected crowd to get what you want" - Heimans, Purpose/Avaaz

"Nature is the foundation of economic growth" [p. 9]

No. Nature is the foundation upon which all life depends.

"According to #WEF, US$44trn of economic value generation—over half of total global #GDP— is potentially at risk..." [p. 9]


"People all over the world care about #nature, [] especially in emerging markets. This shift in public sentiment reflects a hard reality, as people in
#emergingmarkets are most likely to experience the devastating impact of the loss of nature."

#SDGs - are emerging markets.

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