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Views are my own; Correspondent; Commentator

Aug 13, 2021, 30 tweets

πŸ“’βš οΈπŸš¨:
Here it is. πŸ’‰
Review entire thread.

Vaxzevria, ChAdOx-1-S [recombinant] (previously AstraZeneca #Covid_19 vaccine):
It is made up of ANOTHER virus that has been modified (GMO) to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is a *protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which the virus needs to enter the body's cells.

I believe some of these statements will be determined to be false, such as:
The adenovirus (chimp virus?) in the vaxc cannot reproduce & does not cause disease...

White blood cells = cytokine / inflammatory response...

At this point, I started looking for the "leaflet" insert.
Vascular image on the right, courtesy of .@realstewpeters.

The ingredients (#vaccines formerly known as AstraZeneca), can be found under "Vaxzevria" (Why was this name obscured?);
Here are the listed ingredients, side fx:

Spills should be disinfected w/agents with viricidal activity vs adenovirus:

Excipients & "Manufacturers responsible": Belgium, US, UK, Netherlands, Republic of Korea, & China πŸ‘€
See 2023 ➑

No overdose treatment; thrombocytopenia was commonly reported.

Undesirable effects/safety profile: Thrombocytopenia, Capillary Leaks, GBS, etc.

Neurological/inflammatory contraindications πŸ’‰.


Never, ever, ever forget...they wanted this mandated for you and your kids.…

"A vial of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine that is locally produced in the Serum Institute of India as COVISHIELD.

Vaccitech; "How ChAdOx based vaccine works":
"ChAdOx expresses antigens but cannot make copies of itself"

Can our bodies make copies of any of any of the components? We know they were wrong about the biological distribution....

CD4+, CD8+, cytotoxic T cells are activated πŸ‘€

"Responses well" / influenza, malaria, Ebola, and HCV...

Interferon y, interleukin 2, TNF a

Last image is of interest. We'll return to this.

COVISHIELD - ChAdOx1 n[ovel] Cov-19 Virus Vxc (Recombinant)

HEK 293 Cells (human kidney cells)

[Does Recombinant = HEK 293 combined w/chimp adenovirus + spike protein(s)?]


"You *may* get protective immune response 4 weeks after second dose"...
"It is your choice to receive or not receive the COVISHIELD vaccine."
"The COVISHIELD #COVID19 vaccine does not contain SARS-COV-2 and cannot give you COVID-19 infection."
(What abt the subunit Spike?)

Vials of AZ #COVID vaccine are seen at a filling lab at SII.


Trump's Whirlpool Speech: Buying American


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