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Aug 15, 2021, 24 tweets

#BREAKING Taliban capture Jalalabad: residents; Kabul only major Afghan city in govt control

#UPDATES "We woke up this morning to the Taliban white flags all over the city. They entered without fighting," says Jalalabad resident, confirming Taliban claim on social media, effectively leaving Kabul as last major urban area under government control

The Taliban race closer to a complete military takeover of Afghanistan after capturing more major cities, leaving only the isolated capital Kabul for them to conquer

VIDEO: Afghans queue outside banks in Kabul as the Taliban race closer to a complete military takeover of the country

Taliban have taken more than a quarter of Afghanistan's 34 provincial capitals in less than a week as US-led foreign forces pull out
A look at the three months since their sweeping offensive began:

Hours after the Taliban overran his hometown in northern Afghanistan last week, 17-year-old Abdullah was forced to ferry rocket-propelled grenades up a nearby hill, an unwilling and terrified insurgent recruit

#BREAKING Taliban fighters enter Afghan capital Kabul: residents

#BREAKING Taliban fighters instructed to stay at gates of Afghan capital Kabul, not enter city: insurgent spokesman

#UPDATE Taliban fighters were ordered Sunday to wait at the gates of #Kabul and not enter the Afghan capital, an insurgent spokesman said, after the complete collapse of the country's security forces, though residents reported insurgents had peacefully entered some outer suburbs

#BREAKING Russia does not plan to evacuate its Kabul embassy: official to agencies

#BREAKING Afghanistan will have 'peaceful transfer of power' to a 'transitional government': interior minister

#BREAKING Russia says emergency UN Security Council meeting on Afghanistan is planned: official

#UPDATE The Taliban were on the brink of total victory in #Afghanistan on Sunday, their fighters ordered to wait on the outskirts of the capital #Kabul and the country's interior minister conceding the government was preparing for a "transfer of power"

#BREAKING UK PM will seek to recall parliament next week over Afghanistan crisis: domestic media

#BREAKING Afghan President Ghani urges government forces to maintain Kabul law and order

#BREAKING Taliban wants peaceful transfer of power in Afghanistan in 'next few days': spokesman

#BREAKING Political solution in Afghanistan 'more urgent than ever': NATO

#BREAKING US Sec. of State Blinken says Kabul embassy staff being moved to airport

#BREAKING US Sec. of State Blinken insists Afghan mission 'successful', rejects comparison between Kabul and Saigon

#BREAKING Afghan President Ashraf Ghani (pic, R) has left the country: top official Abdullah

#UPDATE Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country on Sunday, a top official said, effectively ceding power to the Taliban as they reached the capital #Kabul to seal a nationwide military victory in just 10 days #Afghanistan

#BREAKING NATO helping keep Kabul airport open for evacuations: Stoltenberg

#UPDATE British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was on Sunday to hold further crisis talks on Afghanistan, his office said, as he recalled parliament from its summer break

#BREAKING Germany to begin flying embassy staff out of Kabul 'later today': minister

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