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Digital Futurist | Emerging Technologies | AI | Web3 | Spatial Computing | Brand Strategies For A Digital World

Aug 25, 2021, 5 tweets

#TikTok is supper addictive...as the 1.3 billion monthly active users (and I) can testify.

Its strength is in the #algorithms that use the 15-30 second videos to figure you out really quickly...and then feed you a never ending diet of video shorts that tickle your fancy

#TikTok captures more "signals" about you than any other social media platform...and in double-quick time

(Think about it...on #Netflix, you need to watch a whole show before they know if you'd more of the same. On TikTok, they've figured that out in a couple of minutes)

Which all makes TikTok a perfect place for #ecommerce. Especially when you can add influencers like 16 year old #CharlidAmelio and her 123m followers (her videos have been Liked 9.8 billion times...which means they've been watched many more times than that!)


TikTok are building a feature so that its users can buy direct from within the app.

The latest to take advantage of TikTok's attention grabbing addiction is Canadian e-commerce platform #Shopify

@endabreslin @WiserIn10 @EvanKirstel

#Shopify has partnered with #TikTok so that Shopify merchants can add a shopping tab to their TikTok business profiles

This is #SocialCommerce and is forecast to reach $36billion this year in sales...and to be 5% of retail sales by 2025!



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