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Aug 25th 2021
#TikTok is supper the 1.3 billion monthly active users (and I) can testify.

Its strength is in the #algorithms that use the 15-30 second videos to figure you out really quickly...and then feed you a never ending diet of video shorts that tickle your fancy Image
#TikTok captures more "signals" about you than any other social media platform...and in double-quick time

(Think about it...on #Netflix, you need to watch a whole show before they know if you'd more of the same. On TikTok, they've figured that out in a couple of minutes) Image
Which all makes TikTok a perfect place for #ecommerce. Especially when you can add influencers like 16 year old #CharlidAmelio and her 123m followers (her videos have been Liked 9.8 billion times...which means they've been watched many more times than that!)

#dunkinDonuts Image
Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2019
Today @dunkindonuts execs and shareholders are holding their annual meeting. Raise your (reusable) #coffeecup if you think #dunkindonuts should put #forestsbeforeprofits and join the movement for a #BetterCup. 🍩
Did you know @dunkindonuts goes through 2 BILLION cups every year in the US? Oh yeah, and their cups are linked to the destruction of intact forests like the Canadian #boreal. 🌲
Protecting the Canadian #boreal forest is essential to addressing #climatechange. Donuts and coffee taste better when they’re not linked to #forestdestruction, don’t you think?
Read 3 tweets

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