Raffy Boudjikanian Profile picture
Senior Reporter, @CBCPolitics Parliamentary Bureau (via Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal). raffy.boudjikanian@cbc.ca. DMs open. Author tweets: @Raffyauthor

Aug 27, 2021, 8 tweets

Protestors again at Trudeau's next event. Supporters here too. Some of the completely illogical screaming: "crimes against humanity," a bunch of swearing.

Yelling at journalists again. We were told we'd burn in hell. #cdnmedia #elxn44

"He's supposed to talk to the people," says one of the protestors, yelling at a police officer.

Party's now started up a loudspeaker system as protestors continue yelling and chanting.

Also there are far more protestors than police here.

Lone mic on the empty stage, presumably waiting for @JustinTrudeau to appear and pick it up for a speech....across from the crowd of demonstrators. #cdnpoli #elxn44

We're still waiting. An announcer just took to the PA to point out a blue CRV near venue is illegally parked and whoever owns it has "about a minute and a half."
Protestors just booed. #cdnpoli #elxn44

@CPC_HQ is condemning extreme language at @JustinTrudeau events. There are people literally yelling 'f*ck Trudeau' as I type this sentence. #cdnpoli #elxn44

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