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🇨🇦 Canadian First. Real Estate, Financial Analytics, Gov’t Policy, Historical Archivist, blue sky: @jasononthedrums.bsky.social

Sep 3, 2021, 15 tweets

#Ableg News 🧵 (1/14)

Well Alberta….what the heck happened?? It’s been a HORRIBLE week for the @UCPCaucus!

Albertans went from anger towards Kenney abandoning Alberta to even more anger and confusion when he returned….it’s bad

Grab a glass of Jamieson’s and let’s review 🥃

#Ableg News 🧵(2/14)


1. Our week started with UCP MLA Nathan Neudorf admitting Kenney’s plan is to let the Delta variant sweep through our unvaccinated populations, causing more serious illness and death…perhaps explaining why he’s not in Alberta right now. 😳

#Ableg News 🧵(3/14)

2. Kenney’s Executive Council l, which is responsible for guiding the province during Covid-19, released their schedule for this week.

As Covid-19 cases surges, schools are back in session, and we needed direction….they were nowhere to be found…

#Ableg News 🧵 (4/14)

3. Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed due to Covid-19.

Not only are patients being ported over to other hospitals in rural areas; but cities are too.

GP is now sending patients to other hospitals; #YEG is down to 1-ICU bed BEFORE the long weekend!

#Ableg News 🧵 (5/14)

4. Kenney’s mishandling of COVID is so admittedly poor that he changed his Twitter bio from a “best summer ever” to “Economic Recovery”.

5. The UCP STILL thought it was a good idea to sell “Best Summer Ever” hats this week…ignoring reality and optics.

#Ablrg News 🧵(6/14)

6. Kenney’s lack of leadership this week forced municipalities to make the first move…#YEG started off with enforcing a mask mandate. Calgary is following suit.

In a time of extreme crisis - Kenney thought tweeting was the appropriate response

#Anleg News Thread (7/14)

7. AHS made the decision to vaccinate staff

When asked if AHS made the decision at the direction of gov’t, AHS said they made the decision themselves on evidence, advised Shandro but not Hinshaw

This is a HUGE deviation from the government messaging.

#Ableg News 🧵 (8/14)


8. UCP MLA Orr: Alberta women’s czar, blanked out a question about Kenney’s lack of leadership

A Staffer shut down the press for not being “on track”

FYI: Alberta journalists are NOT required to stay on the UCP’s chosen messaging.

#Ableg News 🧵(9/14)

9. On that note, Media reveal the UCP are now avoiding the press twice this week:

- During a major announcement at a francophone school on Wednesday
- Kenney held another media-free, last-second “fireside chat”to talk about his post-vacation plans.

#Ableg News 🧵(10/14)

10. Speaking of Kenney’s fireside chat…he made some BIZARRE proclamations, including that

- He WOULD NOT make any provincial measures (ie: mask mandates) and
- More kids died of car accidents than covid (so far)

#Ableg News 🧵 (11/14)

11. Despite Shandro not appearing before the media, and hiding from answering to the public, he is donating his time and energy to Jeromy Farkas’s #YYC mayoral campaign.

He was spotted at a large event, unmasked, and not social distancing. Surprised?

#Ableg News 🧵 (12/14)

Here we are today!!! Wow!!!

12. Today’s presser was a complete DISASTER! Kenney’s “Bold” move is restricting alcohol sales past 10pm, mask mandates in public (but not in schools?) and giving $100 to unvaccinated Albertans to get vaccinated….

#Anleg News 🧵 (13/14)

13. Kenney claimed Colorado benefited from $100 incentives:

- Aug 9-20 (12-Days Before): 114,493 doses

- Aug 21 - Sept 1: (12-Days After)
113,681 doses

LESS people got vaccinated BEFORE incentives!!!

#Ableg News 🧵 (14/14)

So while it’s a really bad time; let’s focus on the good (this week brought to you by @AB_AgainstUCP)

It’s official: Kenney is ranked THE WORST leader in Canada:

65% of us strongly disapprove. That is the REAL historic mandate!

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