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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Sep 4, 2021, 12 tweets

#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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Daily charts updated through 9/3 close

See color legend to right for signs if not familiar


Saturn in Aquarius helping cryptos


Jupiter in Aquarius also helping cryptos!


Biggest drop of 2021 with Mars in Cancer
Thought actual key lows formed with Mars in Leo
Mars in Virgo moving well enough, better for ETH

North Node / NN / Rahu

Going back further in time to show big rallies in both Leo & Gemini - Cancer not much!

NN Term Chart

Hard to see but Mercury just started last week

As NN moves backwards through zodiac, this will be the last term of Gemini

So Mercury even more influence now, ruling sign and term of NN


Sun in Leo got the rally going

Virgo strong for ETH, not so much for BTC

There must be something in the data... like revenue perhaps


ETH also moving well on Venus in Libra


Mercury will be spending several weeks in Libra due to upcoming Rx motion


BTC avg 15m bar return

There's your "New Moon" rally

But actually Q4 compared to other quarters has a bullish edge

BTC Moon Signs

Aires & Virgo the weak links

But before you jump to conclusions see next chart

BTC Moon Signs
Mostly 1 bar 1 month
That Gemini plunge an outlier because it was actually in Aug for most of Gemini, then in Sept for just a few mins
(haven't figured out a better way)

Virgo has been rather weak
Libra - Pisces more bullish

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