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Sep 7, 2021, 8 tweets

It's the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

#AirPollution kills an estimated 7⃣ million people every year around the 🌎🌍🌏

To save lives and achieve #HealthForAll, let's align our efforts and claim the right to clean air.

In 2019, 1/3 of the 🌎🌍🌏 population were exposed to high levels of health-damaging pollutants due to the lack of access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking 🔥


Unless we accelerate action, the environmental, social, and health toll of #AirPollution will continue, falling disproportionately on women and children, who bear primary responsibility for gathering fuel and preparing meals on polluting stoves.


Household #AirPollution due to the lack of access to clean fuels & technologies for cooking is responsible for 3.8 million deaths annually. It causes noncommunicable diseases incl.:
🔸Ischaemic heart disease
🔸Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
🔸Lung #cancer

Let's ensure everyone has access to clean cooking fuels & technologies incl.:
💥natural gas, biogas & liquefied petroleum gas
💧alcohol-fuel stoves

Addressing #AirPollution helps:
✅improve health
✅mitigate #ClimateChange
✅sustainable economic development

The 🆕 WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines, to be launched on 22 September, provide clear evidence of the damage #AirPollution inflicts on human health & recommend new air quality levels to protect #HealthForAll, by reducing levels of key air pollutants.

We have the solutions to combat #AirPollution. Let's step up to improve air quality by creating:
🔽ultra-low emission zones
♻️improved waste management
🚴‍♂️new bike lanes
🚄clean public transportation
🌳outdoor spaces
🏢energy efficient buildings
⚡️clean energy
& much more

It's the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

In the face of 🌎🌍🌏 challenges posed by #ClimateChange, #AirPollution, social and economic inequalities, and the ongoing #COVID19 pandemic, we have a chance to build back better. Let's #BreatheLife!

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