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Author of 15 non-fiction books & mother of 4 young adults📚New book ‘How to Raise a Teen’ out now - link to buy ⬇️

Sep 7, 2021, 9 tweets

Has your child just started, or just gone back to, school and you're desperate to hear about their day, but your questions are met with mumbles, grunts or silence?

#BacktoSchool2021 #BackToSchool

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

Knowing when - and how - to ask new school starters about their day is a bit of an art form. Here are some of my best tips:

#startingschool #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #preschool #parenting #parentingtips #education #edutwitter

For more tips to help both you and your child settle at school, you can grab a copy of my ‘The Starting School Book’ right now for only 99p! #education #edutwitter #parenting #BackToSchool #FirstDayofSchool #startingschool

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