_PaintCo Profile picture
Aspiring #NFTArtist and gun for hire. Creator of _Echos, an Indie #NFT. #NFTRenaissance Theorist.

Sep 11, 2021, 8 tweets

#NFTs are a Second Renaissance a thread:

#nftartist #nftarthistory #nftcommunity #arthistory

The Art Renaissance was the most significant development for Art for two reasons - 1) it was the start of banks prescribing retainable value to physical art and 2) was the birth of a NEW PORTABLITIY that gave artists GLOBAL EXPOSURE.

Prior to the renaissance most art was painted on wooden panels which were incredibly inconvenient to transport especially internationally. So what is an Italian artist, living in Venice supposed to do?

Well what else is there a lot of in Venice? Sails! Artists started stretching sail canvas, painting on them, then unpinning the paining, rolling it up and shipping it around the world! This gave a new GLOBAL exposure to art create international markets.

Meanwhile the Medici Family (who controlled the largest bank in world from Venice) wanted to find ways they could avoid being sent to hell - In Dante's inferno money lenders are sent to seventh circle of hell where their hands will be eternally busy for their sins.

So the Medici Family began ploughing wealth into Venice artists (Donatello, Michelangelo, all the turtles) to fund their work and create art that was beautiful as a "tribute to God" in reality it allowed them to hold wealth in a new way

#NFTs are THE EXACT SAME MOMENT in history. Wealthy crypto investors are finding talent and sponsoring them to reach a new GLOBAL PLATFORM and you can be sure that the artists heavily invested in now will have a lasting legacy in history.

The current #NFT digital space is 15th Century Venice and investors are defining a new value of art for the global market. Art History is repeating itself. I could honestly talk about this all day

#nftartist #nftarthistory #nftcommunity #arthistory

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