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Sep 17, 2021, 6 tweets


- 2,020 new COVID cases in Alberta on 17327 tests (11.7%+0
- 18 new deaths reported
- 911 in hospital (+15), incl 215 in ICU (+3)
- 19,201 active cases (+495)

#yeg #yyc #ableg #covi19ab

Calgary at 4154 active cases (+34)

Edmonton at 3505 active cases (-15)

Red Deer at 680 active cases (+86)

#yeg #yyc #ableg #Covid19ab

*ICU Correction

215 patients in ICU represents a drop of 7 patients from the previous day.

69.99% of new cases are in unvaxxed Albertans.

Of the 911 in hospital, 677 are unvaxxed.

Of the 215 in ICU, 193 are unvaxxed.

#yeg #yyc #ableg #Covid19ab

28158 vaccine doses administered in Alberta on Thursday, note by the giant spike in the graph.

Of those, 16,231 were first doses - the highest such figure since June 5.

There were also 3,377 THIRD doses.

#yeg #yyc #ableg #covid19ab

Of the 16 new daily deaths accounted for in this chart, 12 were unvaccinated, 4 were fully.

The 4 vaxxed deaths were all over 60.

The 40-something and 50-something people who died were unvaccinated.

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