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Defending freedom of expression and information in Asia and around the world. 🔴

Sep 28, 2021, 5 tweets

Today is #AccessToInfoDay. The #RightToKnow enables the public & civil society to access info held by public bodies, empowers them to hold their leaders accountable, & ensures other human rights. However, many barriers to #AccessToInfo persist.

Cambodia’s draft #AccessToInfo Law presents barriers to the realisation of the #RightToKnow. It is crucial that the Draft Law is amended prior to adoption to fully enable the right to information in #Cambodia. #AccessToInfoDay
Read the full analysis👉…

The Official Secrets Act is a barrier to the right to information in #Malaysia. The Act may be used to stifle critical journalism and should be immediately repealed. #AccessToInfoDay #RightToKnow
Read ARTICLE 19’s analysis of the Official Secrets Act👉…

In #Thailand there have been multiple incidents of authorities taking repressive action to prevent journos from reporting on clashes at protests. Journos are essential for facilitating public awareness; restricting them restricts #AccessToInfo. #AccessToInfoDay #RightToKnow

In the months since the #MyanmarMilitaryCoup, the military has enacted increasingly sophisticated restrictions on internet access that impede access to information nationwide.
#AccessToInfoDay #RightToKnow #KeepItOn #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Myanmar

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