Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Sep 30, 2021, 8 tweets

1/. “I am raising my voice. To do otherwise would betray those who languish in prison. I can speak when so many cannot.”

This Saturday marks 3 years since @washingtonpost journalist, #JamalKhashoggi, was murdered in the #SaudiArabia consulate in Istanbul.

2/. Three years on, Jamal’s fiancée @mercan_resifi & the world are still awaiting justice

US Intelligence publicly accused the Saudi crown prince of ordering the murderous attack on #JamalKhashoggi

And yet @JoeBiden has taken no direct action against the prince or #SaudiArabia

3/. To mark the 3rd anniversary of
#JamalKhashoggi’s murder:

TODAY: @DAWNmenaorg’s virtual event with @AgnesCallamard, @NihadAwad, @GerryConnolly, @TawakkolKarman etc

TMW: Protest outside #Saudi embassy, Washington with @codepink

TMW: Vigil with @mercan_resifi & @freedomfirst

4/. In July, it was revealed that #JamalKhashoggi, @mercan_resifi & others connected to #Khashoggi were spied on by #SaudiArabia using Pegasus software

After his murder they even selected the phone of Istanbul’s chief prosecutor for potential surveillance

5/, #JamalKhashoggi was murdered 3 years ago but these Saudis are still in jail

Samar & Raif Badawi

Sarah & Omar Aljabri

Abdulrahman al-Sadhan: 20 years in prison satirical tweets

@salman_alodah solitary confinement for advocating peace

And many more…

6/. Today marks three years since #JamalKhashoggi was murdered

3 years without #JusticeForJamal

3 years of impunity for #Khashoggi's killers in #SaudiArabia

3 years without an independent criminal investigation into his murder

“The hardest part of those recordings are the noises at the end” @amnesty’s @AgnesCallamard

The murder case of #JamalKhashoggi continues in Turkey today

Recordings reveal what happened to #Khashoggi

WARNING: Graphic content…

At least 3 members of a Saudi hit squad convicted of murdering #JamalKhashoggi are living & working “in 7-star accommodation” in a govt-run security compound in Riyadh, according to a source connected to senior members of Saudi intelligence. @martinchulov…

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