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Advocacy and support organization for women & LGBTQI journos. Women Press Freedom reports on press freedom violations in 128 countries. Press Queries: website

Oct 1, 2021, 7 tweets

September was a particularly challenging month for women journalists globally, especially on the digital front. #CFWIJ documented 61 cases of violations against women journalists. Learn more in our monthly Report. #CFWIJSeptemberReport (1/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

Women faced repeated obstruction to their work. 20 women were targeted through an organized troll campaign. While 12 women journalists were attacked in the field. #CFWIJSeptemberReport (2/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

#Canada proved to be the most hostile digital space for women. At least 19 women journalists came forward after being targeted by an organized troll campaign instigated by #MaximeBernier. #CFWIJSeptemberReport (3/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

With 13 cases of legal harassment and obstruction on the field, #Turkey recorded the second highest number of press violations. #CFWIJSeptemberReport (4/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

We are extremely concerned about the constant weaponization of social media platforms by right wing political voices to curb press freedoms. #CFWIJSeptemberReport (5/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

#CFWIJ is committed to the aid and assistance of journalists in #Afghanistan.   

We have evacuated 175 Afghan journalists, women’s rights advocates, and activists and are striving to do more.

#CFWIJSeptemberReport (6/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

#CFWIJ works to amplify the voices of women journalists in order to build a more equal world. If you are/know a woman journalist whose civil liberties are under threat, do not hesitate to reach out to us. #CFWIJSeptemberReport (7/7)

READ: bit.ly/3Fb5bG0

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