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Zonal Office of Press Information Bureau @PIB_India, M/o Information & Broadcasting @MIB_India, Government of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Oct 1, 2021, 6 tweets

.@ecgclimited assures exporters to provide cost-effective credit insurance cover

Rs. 4,400 Crore capital infusion will help expand our services

- Chairman & Managing Director, ECGC, M Senthilnathan on #CabinetDecision on capital infusion in ECGC

Read pib.gov.in/PressReleseDet…

.@ecgclimited will not increase the insurance premium; will continue to give credit insurance cover at the same cost, despite the disruption caused by #COVID19 pandemic

- CMD, ECGC, M Senthilnathan assures the exporters

Read in detail pib.gov.in/PressReleseDet…

This is the right time

There is an enormous opportunity for a country like #India

International businesses across the globe are looking to seriously diversify supply sources in India.

- CMD, @ecgclimited


We (@ecgclimited) are like fire fighters..

When many private insurers had withdrawn from the market (owing to #COVID19 #Pandemic), we had expanded our cover during 2020

- CMD, @ecgclimited

ECGC had paid around Rs. 7,500 Cr. claims during last 5 years


Capital infusion will enable @ecgclimited to issue insurance covers that can support additional exports of ₹ 5.28 Lakh Crore over the five-year period


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.@ecgclimited is prepared to take additional risks to support #Startups, to export products which are advanced, uses new technologies

ECGC would like to partner with like-minded institutions like @sidbiofficial which is trying to identify start-ups

- CMD, ECGC, M Senthilnathan

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