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I predict asset prices via planet motions, aided by data ~ Trad Astro Twitter: @MarsilioFirenze ~ YouTube:

Oct 2, 2021, 15 tweets

#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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Saturn in Aquarius (light gray) supporting cryptos

If not familiar, see color legend to right
Colors show same signs across charts


Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos

Jupiter's re-entry into Pisces late Dec 2021 has to be at least some concern


Mars in Libra did pull back, but 50% (Libra theme) of summer swing held & bullish reaction from there

North Node / NN / Rahu

NN in Gemini also supporting cryptos and nearing its end, next sign change 12/23/2021

I'm using mean position for nodes


Sun in Libra turning up seems quite positive - although still could chop sideways


Venus finishing up Scorpio with a power move


Showing signs here...


... and Mercury motion here

Rx = orange

So Rx has turned up (they don't all do this) but this opens door to turn near midpoint 10/9 or end 10/18

Sun travelling with Mars is also involved in the recent move and Sun cnj Mars 10/7 might be key date



Q4 on its way to another score



Same data, 1 bar 1 quarter, mostly

Yup that recent one the biggest of the bunch

Moon signs


All markets

Have to note Virgo ahead

Moon signs


Bull markets only (above daily 200MA, approx)

Aries, Virgo and Sag still the downers

Cap better than appears, but Aqu a little worse - both still up

Moon signs

2021 only

1 bar 1 pass, mostly

Virgo only 2 positives so far - could it happen? Yes it could, but probably at more risk for drop after recent ramp

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