Steffan Watkins  Profile picture
I'm a writer and research consultant specializing in tracking ships and planes using publicly available information.

Oct 4, 2021, 37 tweets

How many media organisations, alleged-journalists, and pundits, will display their ignorance by not looking up what an Air Defence Identification Zone #ADIZ is, and call it #Taiwan's airspace, which it is not.

Let's keep a running tab; I've dragged many of them previously.

In no particular order:

You can play along at home:…

The Daily Mail, absolutely no surprise there.

Q: Why is it important for Western publications to report the news accurately, and understand the meanings of the words they're using?

A: Because SPUTNIK is reporting the story accurately.

#ADIZ #Taiwan

and again

...and we've got syndication of the misinformation / disinformation folks! 🚀

Now it will spread like wildfire to everywhere, and editors around the world will just copy & paste, not fact-checking anything, and publish. Watch!

There are multiple Microsoft News accounts, they'll all pick it up and amplify the misinformation or disinformation. Now that it's in their CMS, there's no way any member of the public can stop it; it's going to force-fed it to everyone who uses Bing.

I would like to sincerely thank @DWNews for writing the best and most complete explanation of airspace vs ADIZ I have ever seen in any news publication; absolutely incredible and thank you so much.…

and another; reach 115K followers.

The Daily Express, of course, with a reach of ~897,400 people. #misinformation or #disinformation? It's pretty clear who is pumping this story; it's the usual suspects.

Reach? 39.2K followers.

Newsmax, a reach in the millions when you add those tagged; all being told that the Chinese committed an act of war, that they didn't do. Can we please focus on damning China for what they actually do, and not make things up? Why is that so hard?

🇬🇧 Daily Mail again, because they're incapable of learning.

🇺🇸 More Newsmax. 432K followers.🤦‍♂️

🇬🇧 The Daily Mail, again; I assume they only employ masochists. Their reach is 2.6M; 100% of them are now misinformed.

How much of this is misinformation, and how much is disinformation? 🤷‍♂️ We already found the missile industry lobbyists hyping the ADIZ flights yesterday, and now one of the kings of disinformation himself; Pompeo! 👇

I'm live-tweeting fake-news coverage, to show you if these are mistakes, real journos will fix them, if it's an actual campaign to intentionally misinform, hopefully I'm ruining their day, and you'll see who doesn't fix anything, b/c it's not their choice.

Not all the Germans got the message. h/t @bolli3097

I could do some translation and search for the right "airspace" terms in German, I've got my hands full with English; it DOES go to show misinformation / disinformation spreads in multiple languages.…

Quoting a New York Times article that debunks their own tweet is a flex. ~29K followers.

The @DailyMail is like a cancer that spreads disinformation. It doesn't know what else to do. It's genetic.

BBC journo, 15K followers.

It's a fact that no Chinese aircraft were in Taiwanese airspace.

Nope. Another 6K misinformed followers.



Check out the engagement. Influencer numbers. 🤦‍♂️

Nope. Wrong again.

Republican Congressman Greg Steube, Mr Florida Man nominee, and push-broom mustache aficionado, also has trouble telling the difference between sovereign airspace and the ADIZ.

They've never been in Taiwan's airspace. Politico writers dance to the beat of their own drum, and make up their own news for sh!ts and giggles.

If I was out of toilet paper I wouldn't use The Daily Mail to dab my own daisy.

Washington Times. *sigh*

I'm sure this if fine; the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee doesn't know the difference between sovereign airspace and the Air Defence Identification Zone, so we know whose propaganda their briefings are being contaminated with.
God help us

Bizarro-world continues.

I'm astonished when I find someone who's actually reading this right.

It's just a bold faced lie, but did they know that when they went to press?

The one and only Seb Gorka, with 1.1M followers who now think China is *checks notes* INVADING their airspace. This is fine. 😢

Fantastic map of the Taiwan ADIZ and sovereign airspace making the image very clear; CN is flying nowhere near TW sovereign airspace.

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