John Harrison Profile picture
⚽️📊🧤 Head of Data Science @goalkeeper_com - University of Cambridge Astronomy PhD graduate - Data featured in @TheAthleticFC & @SkySportsPL

Oct 29, 2021, 9 tweets

#DeGea’s ability to deal with crosses has quite rightly been criticised.

In the #PremierLeague #DeGea has only prevented 6 opposition chances occurring by claiming crosses!

My model finds this lack of activity means #MUFC concede on average an additional 0.14 ExG every game!

In comparison #Alisson of #LFC has prevented 18 opposition chances occurring by claiming crosses & #Alisson has played 90 fewer minutes!

This difference in cross claiming ability corresponds to #LFC facing on average roughly 0.36 fewer ExG per game in comparison to #MUFC!

Additionally #DeGea’s sweeping numbers have also been low this season.

In the #PremierLeague #DeGea has only prevented 4 opposition chances occurring by sweeping throughballs!

My model finds this lack of activity means #MUFC concede on average an additional 0.07 ExG every game!

In comparison #Alisson has prevented 10 opposition chances occurring by sweeping throughballs in 90 fewer minutes!

This difference in sweeping ability corresponds to #LFC facing on average roughly 0.08 fewer ExG per game in comparison to #MUFC!

Overall this means in order for #DeGea to perform at just an average #PremierLeague level he needs to save shots at a rate of 0.21 ExG above average per 90!

& while #DeGea’s shotstopping has been exceptional this year he’s currently saving #MUFC 0.16 ExG above average per 90!

Claiming & sweeping rarely get statistically analysed properly & in fairness they aren’t as important as shot stopping but as the above example shows if you have a GK that is poor at both claiming & sweeping they need to be a crazy shotstopper just to break even!

Full model👇🏻

One thing I would add is be wary of the cross claim & sweeping numbers you see on the #PremierLeague website & other stats websites like fbref.

Their models are not built for GKs & thus have big definitional issues which cause them to often miss many chance preventing actions!

For example for #DeGea this season:

PL website
3 claims
2 sweeps

4 claims
2 sweeps

Video footage
10 claims
(6 which prevent chances)

12 sweeps
(4 which prevent chances)

For example for #Alisson this season:

PL website
14 claims
8 sweeps

7 claims
11 sweeps

Video footage
24 claims
(18 which prevent chances)

25 sweeps
(10 which prevent chances)

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