Edgar Bernat-Ponce Profile picture
PhD in Biodiversity & Evolutionary Biology | Professor at @UEValencia | #UrbanEcology #Ornithology #Physiology |

Nov 9, 2021, 6 tweets

1/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 BOOMS from #fireworks are fun for people… But, what are their effects on #urban birds🐦? Noise has been proven to harm urban wildlife but recreational #noise is a source of pollution that has been poorly studied. #ornithology @bou

2/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 Moors and Christians #festivals are very noisy recreational activities with the use of fireworks and powder guns. These festivals raise a potential #conflict between festivals participants and #bird conservation. Did this noise affect birds breeding success?

3/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 5 pairs of cities in E Spain were studied to reveal if somehow these noisy festivals were affecting the breeding success of the #HouseSparrow. Two visits per year to explore if the effects were differential on eggs and nestlings🐥🐣.

4/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 The juveniles/adults ratio was used as a breeding success proxy. The study area of each locality was surveyed on foot by a researcher with binoculars to obtain the ratio. Data were analysed with a GLMM.

5/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 Noisy from festivals was found to reduce the ratio of juveniles/adults, affecting in a similar way to #eggs and #nestlings in 2019. #COVID lockdown in 2020 did not increase the “normal” breeding success of the House Sparrow.

6/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 Recreational noise raises a conflict between people and bird conservation. Politicians, people, and scientists should work together to turn a conflict into coexistence. Real #green policies are needed to protect birds and be able to keep cultural traditions.

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