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Mar 6th 2023
🚩An imp thread🧵 regarding #HoliFestival


💫 Clear confusion regarding date & timings of #HolikaDahan '23

🌉 #Holi Jagran Importance

🪅Harmful effects of #Chemical Colors

🎋How to make Alternative #Homemade #Organic Colors

🔮#VedicHoli with ♻️#Palash
Date & Timing of every #Hindu festival is considered according to the Panchang which is a detailed calculation & study of stars, constellations and planetary positions.

Hence this year #HolikaDahan will occur on 2 days based on the timings of sunset.
There are 4 Maharatris in Sanatan Dharma which bestow maximum spiritual benefits to the spritual aspirant who makes the most of this auspicious time.

#Mahashivratri, #Holi, Shri Krishna #Janmashtami & #Deepawali. The sadhana performed during these pious hours acts as catalyst.
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Jul 30th 2022
We know how artistically magnificient and culturally rich Indian temples are which have a story of its existence, architecture,location and tradition. So a #weekend #philately trial to take a tour of #templesofindia with some stamps #IndiaAt75 #Indianphilately #indiawiththeme ImageImageImage
India is a land of #festivals and every festival is celebrated with happiness.A #philately display of some festivals of all the religions of India.Every festival has a moment of joy,celebration,excitement of its own #Indiaat75 #Indianphilately #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav
#indiatheme Image
India has the sixth largest number of UNESCO world heritage sites,in which 32 are cultural sites. So here are the stamps of 23 cultural sites- a showcase of culturally #vibrantIndia with a timeline of different phases of #Indianhistory
#IndiaAt75 #philately #Indiawiththeme ImageImageImage
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Nov 9th 2021
1/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 BOOMS from #fireworks are fun for people… But, what are their effects on #urban birds🐦? Noise has been proven to harm urban wildlife but recreational #noise is a source of pollution that has been poorly studied. #ornithology @bou… Image
2/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 Moors and Christians #festivals are very noisy recreational activities with the use of fireworks and powder guns. These festivals raise a potential #conflict between festivals participants and #bird conservation. Did this noise affect birds breeding success? Image
3/6 #BOUasm21 #BREAK3 5 pairs of cities in E Spain were studied to reveal if somehow these noisy festivals were affecting the breeding success of the #HouseSparrow. Two visits per year to explore if the effects were differential on eggs and nestlings🐥🐣. Image
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Oct 7th 2021
Press briefing on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19

🗓️Today at 🕓4 PM

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Press briefing on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19

Watch LIVE in PIB's 📺

There are around 2.44 lakh active #COVID19 cases in the country

Overall recovery rate presently is as high as 97.95%

57.87 crore tests (4,21,959 tests/million) have been conducted till date

In last one week, overall case positivity was ~1.68%

: Joint Secretary, @MoHFW_INDIA
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Aug 2nd 2021
Hello MSM👋 waiting for someone to expose the SCANDAL of #COVID19UK, our children & young ppl.

The web of players, the links to the #CRG & other @Conservatives MPs, @hartgroup_org, @UsforThemUK, #GreatBarringtonDeclaration advocates, @Telegraph @Daily_Express journalists……1/11
The relentless stream of #COVIDDisinformation, which has been supported & retweeted by a small group of “like minded” medical professionals who should know better.

I’ve absolutely no doubt that issues w/ 2nd vaccines for 18-30yr olds & the pause on 12-18yr old 💉s are linked.
Is it too cynical to believe that withholding full vaccination of the <30s & not vaccinating even CV/CEV 12-18yr olds during the summer holidays is related to a desire to INCREASE #coronavirus TRANSMISSION as part of the #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy”……with a NOVEL VIRUS!!
Read 12 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
#Thread on the Odia Maritime Activities since ancient times.

#History #NavalHistory #Odisha #Hindutva
Kalingan Prince Vijaya was the first Sinhalese king of Sri Lanka. He ruled Sri Lanka in the 6th-century BCE.

Kalingans further established a kingdom in the far-off Maldives Islands before 3rd century BCE !

This is concrete testimony of the early sea-faring people of Odisha.
Ptolemy's work of ~150 CE - "Geography" - mentions the Kalinga trade with *Far-East*.

*Kalinga-Roman* maritime trade flourished as well, judging from the findings of Shishupalgarh excavations.

Read 13 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
Met al dat geouwehoer over #Zweden dacht ik, ik zoek even bij de #Zweedse overheid. Die zullen het toch wel weten?

Dit zijn de huidige maatregelen in Zweden

#CW: voor sommigen gaat dit schokkend zijn. Als je gelooft dat het hier superslecht is in vergelijk, ga even zitten...

Om te beginnen het perspectief:
de volgende regels gelden tot september 2021.

Das nog eens andere koek. Wel fijn, hoef je niet iedere 2 weken naar die verbale diarree te luisteren.
Om te beginnen de regels voor bijeenkomsten: niet meer dan 6 mensen, niet meer dan acht "zakelijk". Voorlopig is dat minder strikt dan bij ons.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 12th 2021
Who called then #Festivals and not FEAST-ivals? 🤤♥️

Here we have a thread on some delectable foods we get to enjoy during festivals!

Grab a copy of 'Inside India: Festivals and Celebrations' by @HarperCollinsIN to #KnowMore.…
#Kadambattu - During Pongal and Kailpoldu, Kadambattu or steamed rice balls are made and usually eaten with curries. The dish is made from broken rice and coconut which is boiled till it becomes mushy and then shaped into round balls and steamed again to hold its shape.
Caramel Sheer Khurma is a dish made from Vermicelli, dates, dry fruits and milk. This special dish is served on the morning of Eid day in the family after the #Eid prayer as breakfast, and throughout the day to all the visiting guests.
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May 1st 2020
En ces temps de crise, les festivals se retrouvent bloqués face à la mauvaise foi d’une partie des compagnies d’assurance. Voilà ce qu’un courtier en assurance me disait au téléphone cette semaine, et c’est pas joli joli.
#Thread 1/14

#festivals #COVID__19 #assurances
Tout d’abord, je précise qu’il témoigne anonymement. "C’est particulièrement chaud sur le marché en ce moment, on évite de prendre des positions ouvertes." 2/14
Voilà donc ce qu’il m’a expliqué :
"Une assurance, c’est un contrat. Quand vous êtes une compagnie d'assurance, que vous acceptez de prendre un risque, il faut que vous ayez suffisamment d’argent sur votre compte pour couvrir les sinistres."

Read 15 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
‘Lehariya’was worn only as #turbans #dupattas though now even #saris rmade #Jodhpur still makes best lehariya #Jaipur #Rajput men order several lengths of #lehariya yardage for special occasions.Earlier it was worn mainly during #Teej #Gangaur, #Rajasthan #harvesting #festivals ImageImageImageImage
The Jodhpur #rulers were always striving to introduce new thoughts and knowledge into their state Sir Pratap Singh designed the #Jodhpurs type of #breeches #Jodhpur has produced 2 imp #designers since then. Did the spirit of innovation rub off? #Raghavendrarathore @anujsharmanid
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Oct 20th 2019
For those supporting this utterly shameful call- #मुस्लिमो_का_संपूर्ण_बहिष्कार,we advise you to read about the warm friendship & amity btw #Madurai's multi-religious dressmakers, who have stitched costumes for the city's #temple #festivals for Image
"We are like relatives & that is how we call each other. We stand for each other, protect each #Madurai you can find us only in each other’s arms, not at each other’s throats.” says G. Muthu Pandi, a #dressmaker in #Madurai, about his many Muslim colleagues. ImageImage
“We too understand the historical importance of Pudhu Mandapam and want to preserve it," fellow dressmaker Abu Siddique echoes this #secular sentiment & even says some customers on learning he is Muslim, pay him extra & tell him they are lucky to buy stuff there. @kavithamurali ImageImage
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Oct 17th 2019
Excited to share that our #GHB paper is now out in @AddictionJrnl.
With @RoseCrossin @foruharmoayeri @DebbieScott16 and team @TurningPointAU @MonashAddiction
Trends in GHB‐related harms 2012‐2018 in Victoria
Spoiler alert, 147% rise
Highlights here->
What we did: looked at ambulance callouts for #GHB alone vs for co-use w other drugs (eg. #methamphetamine, #alcohol)
What we found: Overall #GHB presentations increased 147%, peaking in 2017 at 1339 callouts. This increase was largely driven by #GHB+#methamphetamine use together
#methamphetamine #ice co-use was >6x more likely to result in ambulance callouts than co-use with other drugs e.g. alcohol; and more #mentalhealth symptoms e.g. psychosis or anxiety.
Read 13 tweets

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