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Nov 14, 2021, 8 tweets

#LestWeForget #RemembranceSunday
When our ancestors returned from war they said "Lest we Forget & Never Again".
Never had humanity and life been more linked.
Never was victory more important.
May we live up to their vow: Peace on earth.

No greater sacrifice #WeWillRememberThem

#LestWeForget the contributions of the #Commonwealth.
Victory would not have been possible without the Men & Women who volunteered and came to fight for King Emperor & the Mother Country.

Proud that among them, in WW1 (1.5Million)
& in WW2 (2.5Million) Asians came to 🇬🇧's aid.

51 VC medals were awarded in WW1 & WW2 to soldiers who came from the Indian Subcontinent.
Below (L-R) Mir Dast VC, Shahamad Khan VC, Khudadad Khan VC & Naik Nand Singh VC.
Just 4 examples of soldiers who earned the highest military honour, FOR VALOUR in the presence or the ememy.

Of course there were also many GC recipients. Among them,
(HH Princess) Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan, a direct decendant of the Tiger of Mysore, Tipu Sultan.
In 1940 she volunteered for the WomensAuxAirForce.
The Princess turned spy in occupied France for Churchill's Special Ops Exec

(L-R) Noor was awarded the
Croix De Guerre along with
Madeleine Zoe Damerment,
Yolande Elsa Maria Beekman &
Éliane Sophie Plewman.

The 4 resistance members were caught seperately by the Gestapo, but were executed together by the SS at Dachau concentration camp,
13th Sept 1944.

It is an honour that the (King's) Indian army remains the single largest volunteer army ever assembled in History.
Tens of thousands were amongst the hundreds of thousands, killed and wounded of the commonwealth forces.
#WeWillRememberThem all,
along our British forces.

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