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Jun 8th 2023
@Thinker_View Les British s'amusent et tout le monde accuse tour à tour l'Ukraine, puis la Russie...
Pendant ce temps là, la guerre s'amplifie, les British augmente ainsi leur rapport de force 'politique' en Ukraine, les Européens s'appauvrissent en donnant pognon, armes et munitions...
@Thinker_View Le RU 'tout puissant pourra ainsi diriger l'UE, après avoir profité du 'brexit' pour renforcer son empire colonial #Commonwealth... Jouant avec les Russes en Afrique, juste pour y flinguer l'influence de la France...
@Thinker_View Le 'Royaume-uni' pour le #Chaos #British joue un jeu dangereux encore (discrètement, depuis qu'ils ont dégagé cet abruti de Johnson qui lui, se vantait de vouloir restaurer l'Empire...), comme la vieille des 2 grandes guerres mondiales, et tout le monde laisse encore faire...
Read 4 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
- #Servent "#Barrage, Sûr! C'est les Russes même si c'est irrationnel!"
- #Servent #Lasserre (ridicule!) "#NordStream, on peut pas se fier au #WashingtonPost! Ce serait irrationnel que ce soit les Ukrainiens!"
#Hugheux est le seul sérieux!

#24hPujadas #Ukraine #Russie
Oui #24hPujadas!
"A qui profite le crime ?"
C'est clair, non ?!
Une puissance a tout intérêt à semer le chaos & le trouble dans cette guerre à tous les niveaux, à court, moyen et long terme, surtout si les médias feignent de ne rien voir & n'en parlent pas!

#Ukraine #Russie
Puissance d'ailleurs qui comme à son habitude ne rate jamais une occasion pour critiquer son voisin français "n'est-ce pas?"
Et qui n'aurait pas tardée à en faire un scandale si la France devait occuper ce type de rôle/mission "d'escalades"…

#Ukraine #Russie
Read 11 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
@Elh_Momar L'independance d'Être grâce à la France, contre être l'esclave de #Poutine.
Et ces abrutis bandent & se croient intelligents... Pour ensuite dégueuler sur la France qui leur à tout donné sans rien piller: Toutes vos ressources sont nationalisées...

@Elh_Momar Grâce à la France qui a financé et construit les infrastructures pour que VOS entreprises Nationalisées exploitent vos ressources, sinon vos pourritures de politiciens corrompus par les British, USA, Turcs, Russes, se seraient tout approprié et seraient devenus des oligarques!
@Elh_Momar Vous êtes aussi ingrats & stupides que les Maliens, exploités par Chinois et anglo-saxons British-Canadiens-Australiens-Sudafricains #Commonwealth & qui (parce que leur Maitre Poutine le dit de le faire) dégueulent leur haine de la France qui a payé 99% de leurs infrastructures!
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May 14th 2023
THREAD 🧵of #ScamsOfCon_gress

#CongressFiles #Season1

कैसे कांग्रेसराज में भ्रष्टाचार और घोटाले हुए
THREAD 🧵of #ScamsOfCon_gress

#CongressFiles #Season1
Painting के नाम पर उगाही और पद्मभूषण देने के वादे की कहानी
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Jan 23rd 2023
@FrontPopOff Normal, Le "Royaume-Uni" (pas reconnu logiquement comme Nation au niveau international #ONU) est une Royaume, pas une nation.

@FrontPopOff Puis, vous ne mesurez tjs pas (et ça se croit plus intelligent que nous, "sales #Tekhne"), les British ont profité du Brexit, donc de leur "prise distance avec l'UE des 'vilains Occidento-Colonialo-Européens blancs'" pour renforcer le Commonwealth...

@FrontPopOff #RoyaumeUni #British #Brexit #Commonwealth renforcé […] & ainsi ont séduit des pays africains francophones #Togo ; maintenant, ils vont vouloir réintégrer l'UE pour s'y imposer, et remplacer l'Allemagne, avec le soutien des USA #Biden.

Read 6 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
1. @guardian 15 Oct 22, p 21 @tweeter_anita @EmpirePodUK, a cold-eyed, #critical #historian would've provided the #lowdown, and six of her best, to those boorish, blingy, visiting #Punjabis about the #Sikhempire or #ZulfikarBhutto.
2. #Kashmiris and #Ladakhis, unlike mawkish #Punjabis, don't quite share that lachrymose view of #Punjabi #history or #DuleepSingh. #Lamaist #Buddhists and #Muslims chafed under #Sikhrulers. Expelled former; forbade latter #fasting/#Fridayprayers.
3. #India was in a tailspin under #Sikhs, #Marathas, #Mughals etc. and #Britishrule consolidated the peninsula unseen since the #Mauryas. #Newsflash right-on Radcliffe ranters either side: #EmpressVictoria sired #MotherIndia and #Iqbal's sarey jahān bulbuls.
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Oct 12th 2022
Oct 12 2022: "Deep-sea miner stock jumps after first seafloor collection since 1970s"

The "#greatreset" (#Commonwealth w/ WEF as secretariat) includes deep sea #mining. The annihilation of #oceans carried out under guise of sustainability.

#UN #SDGs…
"The fields in the CCZ represent the largest known, undeveloped #nickel resource on the planet & is estimated to contain over 3 times the amount of #cobalt, almost 2 x the amount of nickel & as much #manganese as all global land-based reserves, combined."

#Privatization of the #oceans will allow for ocean exploration & deep sea #mining - both essential for the fourth industrial revolution infrastructure desired by the ruling class technocrats. #4IR #EVs #Salesforce

Learning thread:

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Sep 27th 2022
Here is the list of the top fully funded and paid opportunities young people can apply for.

1.        USADF Accelerate Africa Entrepreneurship Challenge
2.        22 Free United Nations Online Courses with Certificates | UN Courses on Several Topics
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Sep 21st 2022
[𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀 𝗽𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼́𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗼𝘀 𝗲𝗺 𝗽𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗮] 🧠

Papel e caneta na mão ou salvem para lerem depois, e sigamos...

O ser humano tem uma necessidade desesperada de engajamento mental. Exemplo, você está morrendo de fome, mas de repente... 🧵
@gustavoramos @PauloDemchuk @robertopantojax @alan_schramm @38bitcoinheiro @R0nih @RedpillOliver @frank_testo - você vê o novo trailer de Sherlock Holmes, ou seu time do coração entra em campo para uma decisão. Antes que você perceba, horas se passaram sem qualquer sensação de fome. Por isso o controle da mesma é fundamental. 🧶
@gustavoramos @PauloDemchuk @robertopantojax @alan_schramm @38bitcoinheiro @R0nih @RedpillOliver @frank_testo 1. Se você quiser que o auditório barulhento se acalme quase instantaneamente:

Basta abrir a boca como se estivesse falando enquanto gesticula ao mesmo tempo. As pessoas vão se acalmar imediatamente, tentando entender o que exatamente você está dizendo ou fazendo 🧵
Read 30 tweets
Sep 18th 2022

With the Supreme Grace of the Supra Universal Consciousness, Unity of Humanity is manifest in action as:

1. The number of people that will watch The Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral on #919 -- September 19, Monday
-- 2022 across 200+ countries is set to cross 4 billion, which is about 50% of the world's 🌎🌍🌏 population estimated at 8 billion.

2. His Majesty King Charles III is to host one of the largest gatherings ever of world leaders including heads of state, foreign royal families...
governors general, prime ministers, and international diplomats, at an historic state reception at Buckingham Palace in London 🇬🇧 on the eve of the Queen's funeral.

3. Humanity from 130+ countries is to be represented at the highest level as the Queen's funeral unites the world
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Sep 9th 2022
1. 🇬🇧⚫️|👉 Inicio #Hilo sobre el #Fallecimiento de #IsabelII soberana del #ReinoUnido 👑🔵🔴⚪️ y de los #ReinosDeLaCommonwealth

#IsabeIITheQueen #GoodSaveTheQueen #QueenElizabeth #Luto #Buckingham #CarlosIII #CharlesIII

Hilo 🇬🇧🇪🇸⬇️⬇️
2. 🇬🇧⚫️|👉 El #ReinoUnido es una #MonarquíaParlamentaria con #CarlosIII como soberano, hijo y sucesor de #IsabelII, y la #CasaDeWindsor como #DinastíaReinante 🇬🇧👑

#IsabeIITheQueen #GoodSaveTheQueen #QueenElizabeth #Luto #Buckingham #CarlosIII #CharlesIII

Hilo 🇬🇧🇪🇸⬆️⬇️
3. 🇬🇧⚫️|👉 La #ReinaIsabelII ha tenido 16 #PrimerosMinistros desde #WinstonChurchill hasta #LizTruss en 2022 🇬🇧💼.

#IsabeIITheQueen #GoodSaveTheQueen #QueenElizabeth #Luto #Buckingham #CarlosIII #CharlesIII

Hilo 🇬🇧🇪🇸⬆️⬇️
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Sep 9th 2022
From coins, notes to national anthem, here's how #KingCharlesIII will replace #QueenElizabethII


By @jainrounak
#KingCharlesIII takes over as the British monarch after the death of #QueenElizabethII, and that will lead to a demonetisation in the UK. New coins and currency notes will be minted and printed after the designs are approved.

The death of #QueenElizabethII has given the British monarchy its first King after over 70 years. The old coins and notes will be slowly phased out of circulation.

The old coins and notes featuring #QueenElizabeth II will continue to be legal tender for the time being.
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Aug 6th 2022
Conversations between #Turtle & #MP
Few days before heading to Ireland, MP is coming home late after working all day on presentations he is invited to give @ECMP2022 in #Dublin, surprised to see his buddy slowing coming up his driveway.

MP: Hey buddy, what are you doing?

MP: It might have taken U some time to come all the way from park

Turtle: Yes doc, I heard U were heading to @TourismIreland island & wanted to join U. Since it would take me more time & I didn’t want to rush, I thought I will come over & rest behind your house till we leave
MP: What do U mean & how did U know?

TL: Well, my 3rd cousin from my mom side who lives in #WicklowMountains close to Dublin told me that you were coming there soon

MP: What, how did she know?

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Jul 28th 2022
🔴 La guerra nuclear accidental con #China 🇨🇳 es un 'riesgo creciente'
Occidente no debe tropezar con un conflicto descontrolado con Beijing, advierte Sir Stephen Lovegrove, asesor de seguridad nacional del Reino Unido.

Vía @TelegraphWorld
🔴 Sir Stephen Lovegrove dijo que Gran Bretaña tenía “claras preocupaciones” de que Beijing estaba expandiendo y modernizando su arsenal nuclear.
(Vía @TelegraphWorld @Telegraph )
🔴 En un endurecimiento de la posición del Reino Unido, Sir Stephen advirtió que es posible que el mundo ya no tenga las salvaguardas de la Guerra Fría que impidieron la guerra nuclear con la URSS.

Planteó la perspectiva de un “conflicto descontrolado” entre China y Occidente
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Mar 10th 2022
"Smartphones" trump food. #DigitalID

Nov 1 2021, #CBDC India: "so every single person today, even if he's not able to afford all the 3 meals, is having a #Smartphone in his hand. And I must thank some of the Asian countries which actually revolutionize[d] the smartphone market"
"so these three: the #biometric identity, the no-frills savings account [], & of course the #smartphone, & the fact that data is so cheap in India was the one which actually set the ground... I think #Canada & India started on this journey of instant payments almost together..."
Jan 18 2021, Payments #Canada: "Design attributes for a retail #CBDC... introduction of a new channel for illicit activities, money-laundering, terrorist financing other socially undesirable behaviours."

#DigitalID #Compliance #Surveillance…
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Feb 26th 2022
Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."

"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
Read 15 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
Imperative to shift focus. Missing from #FreedomConvoy dissent is rule of British Crown/British Empire - head of #GreatReset convened via #WEF platform.

#Trudeau: "in all things I shall do as a faithful & true servant ought to do, for Her Majesty, so help me God."

Vanity Fair, May 22, 2020: "Now he [Charles] has shifted his attention to the world stage, announcing a project he’s calling "#GreatReset," [] Along w/ the #WEF, [] Charles will kick off the project at a virtual event on June 3."

"The Royal Family" 👇

In Jan 2020 at Davos, Charles started announced his Sustainable Markets Initiative in partnership w/ #WEF. He spoke "about how he thought #capitalism needed to "reset" in order to prevent the worst effects of climate []. Now he’s applying that [] to [] #conavirus." [Vanity Fair]
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Dec 30th 2021

What is it about?

The Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship (QECS) is a fully-funded scholarship by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) for a 2-year Masters program in one of the best schools in a ... Image
...Commonwealth country. The QECS targets applicants who are willing to draw from their international networks and culture of their host universities to return to their home countries to make a positive change. There are two application cycles: Cycle 1 (December-January) and...
...Cycle 2 (May-June).

What does it cover?

▪Full tuition fees

▪Monthly living expenses (stipends)

▪Cost of flight tickets (to and fro)

▪Arrival allowance

▪Research support grant (on request)

What is this cycle's deadline?

▪Monday 10 January 2022, 16:00 (UTC)...
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Nov 14th 2021
#LestWeForget #RemembranceSunday
When our ancestors returned from war they said "Lest we Forget & Never Again".
Never had humanity and life been more linked.
Never was victory more important.
May we live up to their vow: Peace on earth.

No greater sacrifice #WeWillRememberThem
#LestWeForget the contributions of the #Commonwealth.
Victory would not have been possible without the Men & Women who volunteered and came to fight for King Emperor & the Mother Country.

Proud that among them, in WW1 (1.5Million)
& in WW2 (2.5Million) Asians came to 🇬🇧's aid.
51 VC medals were awarded in WW1 & WW2 to soldiers who came from the Indian Subcontinent.
Below (L-R) Mir Dast VC, Shahamad Khan VC, Khudadad Khan VC & Naik Nand Singh VC.
Just 4 examples of soldiers who earned the highest military honour, FOR VALOUR in the presence or the ememy.
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Nov 13th 2021
In our centenary year the fantastic @RoyalMarines drummers get the #FestivalOfRemembrance underway.
The Prince of Wales arrives at the @RoyalAlbertHall along with other members of the @RoyalFamily @ClarenceHouse #FestivalOfRemembrance
.@probstomfoolery reads 'Alive with Poppies' as wristbands worn by the audience light up in a shared moment of remembrance #FestivalOfRemembrance
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Aug 27th 2021
Raksha Mantri @rajnathsingh inaugurates stadium in Pune named after #Olympics #gold medal winner @Neeraj_chopra1
Relationship between defence and games is not recent

The relation is as old as human civilization

What we call 'sports' today began with the idea of self-defence

I am proud that Subedar @Neeraj_chopra1 has added his name to list of great sportspersons like Major Dhyan Chand, Capt. Milkha Singh, Col Rajyavardhan SRathore and Captain Vijay Kumar

etched his name in golden letters

#IndianArmy is carrying forward the leagacy

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Aug 9th 2021
① The #EUreferendum was undemocratic. Many people directly affected were denied a vote.

Citizens living in the UK from over 70 nations could vote in the EU referendum, but most citizens living here from the rest of the #EU could not.
② Including Britain, 55 countries across the world are members of the #Commonwealth, and all citizens from those countries resident with ‘leave-to-remain’ in the UK were granted a vote the #EUreferendum.

They included citizens living here from Australia, Canada, Ghana, India..
③ Just two #EU countries are members of the #Commonwealth, #Malta and #Cyprus, and citizens from those countries resident in the UK were able to vote in the #EUreferendum.
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Mar 8th 2021
El momento ha llegado: la entrevista entre los Duques de Sussex y @Oprah Winfrey ha llegado.

¿De qué están hablando? Te contamos, en tiempo real, las declaraciones más inauditas de esta histórica reunión 🗒️

En la entrevista #OprahMeghanHarry, @Oprah le dice a Megan: "Recuerdo estar sentada en la capilla ... y recuerdo tanto el sentido de la magia que nunca había experimentado algo así. Cuando bajaste a la isla fue como si estuvieras flotando".
#Meghan asegura que la pareja sabía que el momento de su boda "no era suyo", si no para todos los demás.

Dice que "ingenuamente" nunca pensó en cómo sería casarse con un príncipe. No entender completamente cuál era el trabajo. “¿Qué significa ser miembro de la realeza?
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Jul 1st 2020
El 19 de junio, un bloque de 30 parlamentarios ingleses presentó una carta a @BorisJohnson, exhortándolo a seguir con lo establecido por la @CIJ_ICJ y la Asamblea General de @UN sobre la devolución del Arch. de #Chagos a la Rep. de Mauricio.
#MalvinasArgentinas #Descolonización
“Escribimos acerca de nuestras preocupaciones sobre el estado de los isleños de #Chagos a la luz del rechazo del gobierno en los últimos días a un fallo de la @CIJ_ICJ sobre la ocupación del #ReinoUnido del archipiélago de Chagos." (sigue)
"Creemos que el #ReinoUnido debe actuar de manera inmediata sobre la decisión de la @CIJ_ICJ .”

Carta completa al PM @BorisJohnson 👇…
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