Outlier Ventures Profile picture
A decade defining Web3 and beyond Base Camp ⛺️ Web3 accelerator & Ascent ⛰ program. Follow our portfolio: https://t.co/cItVtV2Cki

Nov 16, 2021, 7 tweets

📢 BIG NEWS: Our first EVER @Polkadot ⏺️ Base Camp teams are now official, including:

@gameDAOco: 🇩🇪
@popexnft: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
@RandNetwork: 🇪🇸
@readl_co: 🇪🇸🇵🇹
@uplink_network: 🇵🇹🇨🇦🇮🇳

#NFT #Blockchain #DeFi #Data

🎮 Check out @gameDAOco, making building, funding, and owning games easier with #Web3!

What about, @popexnft who are building an NFT solution where music, art, and artists are all valued!

Learn More popex.net 👈

Welcome to @uplink_network - building a hardware and protocol agnostic decentralised #Web3 telco, designed for interoperability and low-cost accessibility.


@readl_co is building censorship-proof NFT books owned by writers, contributors, and readers on #Web3!

@RandNetwork is building an interest generating, prize-linked mobile app that makes saving with DeFi fun and easy!

Congrats to all of our teams! 🎉

To anyone who wants to be like these guys, our @0xPolygon Base Camp applications are still open, so make sure you jump over to outlierventures.io/polygon-base-c… and check it out!

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