Malena-PRO-CHOICE 🌊 🟦Fighting Tyranny! Profile picture
#Resist! Fight fascism She/her 🌊I'm a mom &❤er of democracy against racism. #AlliesAgainstAntisemitism #Latinx #BLM #DemVictory Tiktok:@malenasoy IG@malenav

Nov 17, 2021, 13 tweets

SO @POTUS Biden & the Dems have had enormous successes, that the media ignores. WE MUST CELEBRATE & TOUT these WINS! Don't let the #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy control the narrative.
Save & share then volunteer or donate!

Please save & share these graphics & facts across platforms and with everyone you know! Please use the hashtags
#DemocratsDeliver &
Day & night so we can spread the good word &manifest 2022 wins! Recruit friends to help!

Here's a partial list of Biden Thanksgiving talking points please save and share!
The infrastructure Bill-
$110 billion into roads, bridges and other major projects.
$42 billion to modernize ports and airports.
$66 billion in freight and passenger rail.

Here's more: why not print these out as holiday placemats?(lol)
$39 billion into public transit systems.
$11 billion for transportation safety.
$55 billion into improving water systems and replacing lead pipes.
$65 billion into expanding broadband.
#DemocratsDeliver #DemVictory

Ask friends did you know questions.
Did you know the #InfrastructureBill has:
$65 billion for clean energy and grid-related investments.
$7.5 billion to build a national network of charging stations for electric vehicles &
$21 billion to clean up Superfund and brownfield sites.

Tell everyone that #DemocratsDeliver #BidenDelivers #DemVictory
@POTUS brought us a 30% reduction in ships in the port of LA in the last few weeks.
He appointed the most diverse officials in history.
He appointed 60 diverse federal judges. This is SO IMPORTANT for our democracy.

President #BidenDelivers
& brought us more jobs than any other President in the 1st year & about a 5% growth in wages! He's a huge job creator & will create millions of new high paying union jobs in the years to come. So volunteer now to help Democrats.

This video should also be shared!
Don't forget to share across platforms!

Plus, the US economy grew at an annualized rate of 6.5% in the second quarter. Under Trump it was -3.57%
Yes, that's because of Covid but he's to blame for that with his suppressing of information and poor handling which killed hundreds of thousands of Americans to boot.

We’re the fastest-growing major economy in the world and one creating jobs at a faster pace than anyone with millions more to come because of the infrastructure legislation and Biden shrunk the deficit by $360 billion while helping us…

Thanks to @potus over 430 million #COVID19 shots have been given & 80% of US adults have had 1 shot. 70% of adults are fully vaccinated! And that number is increasing at breakneck speeds thanks to @JoeBiden! Now, kids are getting shots, too!

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