Malena-PRO-CHOICE🟦🟧Fighting THEE Tyranny! Profile picture
#Resist! Fight fascism She/her 🌊I'm a mom &❤er of democracy against racism. #AlliesAgainstAntisemitism #Latinx #BLM #DemVictory Tiktok:@malenasoy IG@malenav
M 🐠💙FBPE GTTO 🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture BEA🐝VotesBlue💙ToSaveAmerica Vax💉&Care4others❤🌱 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 6, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Last night my parents went to the Huntington Beach city council yet again to speak out against their full on fascist/racist/ANTI-LGBTQIA proposals to remove the policy on human dignity among several other autocratic measures. Image My mom wanted to speak out & asked me to what she should say. Here's what I told her:

Hate is violence

People actually die because of white supremacy and bigotry...
Nov 17, 2021 13 tweets 13 min read
SO @POTUS Biden & the Dems have had enormous successes, that the media ignores. WE MUST CELEBRATE & TOUT these WINS! Don't let the #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy control the narrative.
Save & share then volunteer or donate!
4 #DEMVICTORY Please save & share these graphics & facts across platforms and with everyone you know! Please use the hashtags
#DemocratsDeliver &
Day & night so we can spread the good word &manifest 2022 wins! Recruit friends to help!
Oct 4, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
The #HuntingtonBeach Congresswoman @RepSteel takes money from oil companies. She's pro-oil. Well,@RepSteel maybe now you see. The oil company & GOP backers are responsible for the destruction of out coastline & the death of our marine wildlife.
Donate to For those confused about the difference between the democratic and Republican party, the entirety of the GOP is 100% owned by the oil industry. Their rallying cry is drill baby drill!
Democrats are for #ClimateAction
Oct 3, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
I grew up swimming in the beautiful beaches of Huntington Beach,Newport & Laguna. Now these beaches have been destroyed because of corporate greed & corrupt politicians like @RepSteel &other Republicans.
Renewables can provide all our energy.#OilSpill #GreenNewDeal #ClimateCrisis Read this thread for more information.
Oct 2, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
WOMEN'S #ReproductiveRights
If we don't stand up now, it will be too late so bring voter registration cards, a mask & a dozen friends with you to the
#WomensMarch I was so happy to meet an amazing online & Orange County activist @kristine_kenyon
& her brilliant daughter in person for the 1st time @ the #WomensMarch in Laguna Beach.

We must fight for the women in our lives as well as for our posterity!

#AbortionJustice #ReproductiveRights Image
Oct 1, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
My clever dog invites you 2 share your #WomensMarch2021 signs 4 tomorrow. I'll make a donation 2 the Democratic candidate of your choice 4the best sign shared tonight. 2find the march near you. There are virtual 1s too. #dogsoftwitter #AbortionIsHealthcare You can also share slogans, if you're still not done with your signs. But I will pick a person today for the donation because the point is for everyone to get ideas for their signs & to promote the #WomensMarch2021
#WomensMarchOct2 &
#AbortionRights Image
Oct 1, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Listen as my sweet pup talks about the importance of calling your 2 Senators&demanding that they pass the infrastructure bill!
☎️ 202-224-3121 ☎️
Ask your friends to call,too-calls R counted so call no matter who your Senators are Here's how we pay for it. Btw, it's half the defense budget, but it'll help the American people millions of times more! And it will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, protect the environment & health of our country.
#DemsDeliverJobs #BuildBackBetterAct Image
Dec 18, 2019 22 tweets 18 min read
Today we need to ask how anyone could defend Trump after all he's done! Clearly, Republicans would impeach a Democrat who did far less(see Bill Clinton)

#ResignTrump #ImpeachmentDay #impeachment He's extorted Ukraine with taxpayer money!
#impeach #ImpeachTheMF #impeachTrump
Nov 23, 2019 33 tweets 23 min read
Morning, resistance friends! So much news to wake up to after last night's enormous news dump! We need 2 be ready 4 the great Thanksgiving family debate with talking points. I'm going to teach #MEMEMAKING so we can all share pointers 4 TURKEY DAY using a free app. Get Spark Post. We're going to learn how to make something like this today. I hope you'll give it a try. The resistance needs your effort. It's fun & pretty easy. When you think of the sacrifices our founding fathers made for us, 15 minutes to learn this is the least you can do. Lol #mememaking
Nov 6, 2019 32 tweets 22 min read
Today I am going to teach beginning meme making skills for resisters. I am not a professional graphics person, just a mom who is fighting like hell 4 democracy. I have made thousands of memes since the Orange nightmare took office & created meme groups to help others learn. Pic Collage is an app I recommend for beginners. I use many apps, but this 1 is my favorite, especially for beginners. The best way to learn is by experimenting, but I will give you some guidance.