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Nov 21, 2021, 16 tweets

#Breaking: Just in - Reports of a mass casualty event in downtown #Waukesha in #Wisconsin, after a car ploughed his way through people of crowds, reports of up to at least 30 people injured.

#Update: Video of a emotional witness statement, who was on the scene who was part of the charismas parade in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin. Reports of up to 30 people injured after a car ploughed his way through people of crowds.

#Update: Video of the scene right now in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin after a car ploughed his way through people of crowds, injuring up to at least 30 people.

#Update: Video of massive law and first responders on the scene of the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin, after a car ploughed his way through people of crowds, injuring up to at least 30 people.

#Breaking: Just in - Video caught the moment the car speeded through the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin, injuring up to at least 30 people or more.

#Update: Just in - Video caught the moment the police shot at the car 3 times who was speeded through the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin, injuring up to at least 30 people or more.

#Breaking: Just in - Reports of multiple people confirmed to be dead, after a car ploughed his way through the people of crowds on the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Breaking: Just in - Update - Suspect vehicle has been abandoned on S Maple st - 1 suspect found on Elizabeth St - 2 suspects remain outstanding. after a car ploughed his way through the people of crowds on the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Breaking: Just in - Reports of up to 5 people to be confirmed dead many of them to be believed children, after a car ploughed his way through the people of crowds on the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Breaking: Just in - Shocking video showing you the moment the car ploughed through the crowd of children mostly young girls downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Update: Just in - Pictures of the SUV with bullet holes in the windshield, after a cop shot 3 times at the vehicle, after the car ploughed his way through a people of crowds on the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Update: WARNING - Shocking video of another angle of the moment the car ploughed through the crowd of children mostly young girls downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin. My thought and prayers are to the families effected by this tragedy. 🙏

#Breaking: Just in - Unconfirmed reports that the alleged suspect or suspects believed to be black and allegedly 2 more of them are being on the run, after a car ploughed his way through the people of crowds on the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Update: Just in - The hospitals in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin, are in need of blood, if you are in the area please go out and donate blood...

#Breaking: Just in - Huge reports suggest that this incident was connected to a shooting and killing yesterday in the same area, this is obviously a attack on the crowd of the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

#Update: Just in - The #FBI is looking for a white Mercedes getaway vehicle after it was connected in yesterday's shooting in the same area of the attack today. after a car ploughed his way through the people of crowds on the Christmas parade downtown in #Waukesha in #Wisconsin.

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