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Dec 1, 2021, 10 tweets

Today is #WorldAIDSDay!

You will NOT get #HIV from:
✅ standing by your friend
✅ drinking tea together
✅ hugging
✅ shaking hands
✅ showing that you care

This is how you can reduce your risk of getting it

Everyone 👨‍✈️👨🏼‍🏭👩🏾‍⚕️
Everyone 👴🏾👵🏼🧒🏿
Everyone 🧏‍♀️👩🏽‍🎓👰🏿
Everyone in the 🌎

No matter who they are or where they live, should have access to #HIV services.



🚨 All forms of stigma & discrimination have to stop 🚨

On #WorldAIDSDay & beyond, you can take part & stand up against #HIV related stigma & discrimination by:
✅Listening to people living with HIV
✅Educating yourself & others
✅Speaking out against stereotypes

On #WorldAIDSDay, Prince Harry is joining WHO’s call for health and #VaccinEquity to end two pandemics: HIV and #COVID19.

End inequalities.
End Pandemics.


Today is #WorldAIDSDay!

Take a moment to thank community #healthworkers, nurses, doctors, scientists & everybody involved in the fight against #HIV around 🌎🌍🌏

They are at the forefront playing a 🔑 part in supporting people living with HIV & helping to end AIDS.

Today is #WorldAIDSDay!

When supported and protected, community #healthworkers can deliver safe and effective #HIV services, especially to marginalized groups.


On #WorldAIDSDay, we call on film enthusiasts from around the world to submit their short films on #HIV / AIDS.

You can submit a short #Film4Health until 22 January 2022.

More information:

Today is #WorldAIDSDay!

People living with #HIV are at a high risk of #COVID19 complications and must have access to COVID-19 vaccinations and services.


Have you ever taken a #HIV test?

If YES ➡️ Well done! Just remember to do it regularly!
If NO ➡️ What are you waiting for?

On #WorldAIDSDay & beyond, the best time to take a test is NOW.

Today is #WorldAIDSDay!

Early #HIV diagnosis and testing are important to:
✔️ start treatment & care if needed
✔️ reduce infections
✔️ reduce AIDS related deaths


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