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Health & economic warnings. Health policy & epidemiology & nutrition. Chair/Faculty @NECSI. Fmr @Harvard. 📚 👉Find me on BlueSky.

Dec 2, 2021, 10 tweets

REINFECTION RISK—New #Omicron study finds huge surge in #COVID19 **reinfections**. Worse, relative to old waves—➡️ huge numbers of infections in new Omicron wave are reinfections. How much? 📍2.4x higher reinfection risk with Omicron. 🧵 HT @SACEMAdirector…

2) Not just merely a 2nd infection — is possible to also get a **THIRD INFECTION** with #COVID19. Let’s look at this graph - many people got a third infection recently too in the #omicron wave. 👇

3) There has been 332 people in South Africa 🇿🇦 documented with a 3rd infection (aka a two reinfections). And 35k with one reinfection.

4) Reinfections (suspected) are also higher in YOUNG ADULTS! (South Africa).

5) as result, this also further aids the growth of #OmicronVariant in South Africa. Much faster relative growth compared with older waves.

Figure by @rid1tweets

6) thus #Omicron wave now by far the fastest variant surge to date. See thread 🧵 below

7) We could soon have “twin simultaneous outbreaks” of both #Omicron and #DeltaVariant together says @PeterHotez — read this 👇…

8) This figure is such bad news. I can’t tell you how worried sick I am looking at this. And the hospitalization curves are getting revised upwards ⬆️ day by day as they backfill more hospitalizations from last week.

Thx for the log graph @jburnmurdoch

9) I’m not kidding about the delayed hospitalization backfill reporting… look what happens:


⚠️Bottomline hospitalizations are surging. Almost 10x rise in 2 weeks!

10) A good #Omicron variant summary from my Twitter friend @DataDrivenMD - he’s a good follow.

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