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Dec 4, 2021, 11 tweets

[Thread] JUST IN:
1. NEW #OmicronVariant data from the Steve Biko/Tshwane District Hospital Complex via @MRCza. Tshwane = where SA's Omicron outbreak started

1. Data = for the 1st 2 weeks of the outbreak (14-29 Nov)
2. Past 5 days (29 Nov-3 Dec) = exponential increase in cases

1. 21% of #COVID19 patients = on oxygen because of COVID
2. This is lower than previous waves
3. 76% of patients = incidental COVID admissions (they were admitted 4 other conditions + found out they had COVID when they had to do a test)
Study: bit.ly/3Ig0753

3. What do we know about admitted patients' vaccination status?
Snapshot of 2 Dec:
Of 38 adults in #COVID19 wards:
* 6 = vaccinated
* 24 = unvaccinated
* 8 = unknown vaccination status

Of 9 patients with COVID pneumonia
* 8 = unvaccinated, 1 is a child
* 1 = vaccinated

4. Was the age profile of #COVID19 admitted patients different from other waves?

Yes. They were younger.

- 80% of admissions = people younger than 50 (this is also the case across Gauteng province, where Tshwane is located)
- 19% = children aged 0-9
- 28% = 30-39 years

5. Who died in hospital because of #COVID19?
There were 10 deaths between 14-29 Nov:
- 4 deaths = 26-36 years
- 5 deaths = 60+ years
- 1 death (child) = unrelated to COVID
- No #COVID deaths among 34 COVID admissions in the pediatric wards

6. What was the in-hospital death rate of #COVID19 patients?
- 6.6% (10/166 admissions died)

Is the death rate lower than the rate for previous waves? Yes. (Previous waves = 23%)

Does this mean that the #OmicronVariant causes fewer deaths? Not necessarily - we need more data

7. Why can't we assume this data shows fewer people die due to the #OmicronVariant (vs. previous variants)?

The data for this study = only for the 1st 2 wks of the outbreak. People take time to fall ill/die. It can take longer than 2 wks. Some patients may therefore still die.

8. How sick did admitted #COVID19 patients get?
1. 2 out of 166 admissions were in the #COVID ICU ward
2. 63 patients were in the high care ward (mostly not due to COVID), 3 had severe COVID pneumonia, which could mean that more patients are starting to get very sick

9. How long did #COVID19 patients stay in hospital for and is it different from previous waves?

Yes, it's different (much shorter). COVID patients stayed in hospital for an average of 2.8 days vs. the 8.5 days of previous waves. #OmicronVariant

10. Summary:
1. Most #COVID19 patients didn't know they had COVID when they got admitted (they were admitted for another condition)
2. A smaller % of patients required oxygen than in previous waves
3. Admitted patients were younger than in previous waves
4. We need more data

11. Want to read the full @MRCza study? Find it here: #OmicronVariant bit.ly/3Ig0753

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