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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #JoinAUnion #GTTO Views are mine & NOT my employer's.

Dec 14, 2021, 11 tweets

These cowardly gaslighting hypocrites say they object to sensible COVID measures on the grounds of the fear it could lead to a gradual creep towards more draconian restrictions, while supporting ACTUAL draconian antidemocratic laws & the systematic removal of basic human rights.

Who is Tom Hunt?

One of his first actions after becoming an MP was to join the unhinged hard-right ERG

As you might expect, his grotesque, vile & divisive rhetoric signifies he's just another confused, arrogant, & condescending individual, with views that belong in the 1950s.

About local crime, the regressive 'law & order' throwback said: "It is impossible to start thinking about remedies to these issues without also being ready to confront the possibility that a disproportionate number of crimes are committed by individuals from CERTAIN COMMUNITIES."

The Ipswich & Suffolk Council for Racial Equality called his comments "at best disappointing and at worst an ill-judged piece of dogwhistling."

Even the @Conservatives' Police & Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore, referred to them as "very unhelpful".

Following an interim report on the connections between colonialism & @nationaltrust properties, Hunt was among the signatories of a letter to The Telegraph from the unhinged & reactionary "Common Sense Group" of Conservative Parliamentarians.

The letter accused the National Trust of being "coloured by cultural Marxist dogma, colloquially known as the 'woke agenda'".

"Cultural Marxism" is the debunked, hateful & divisive antisemitic conspiracy theory that inspired far-right terrorist Anders Breivik.

In another bullshit toxic culture war statement, he said that Historic England are "waging a war against our heritage", and considers their approach to explaining slavery at their sites as "Maoist & dystopian".

Just another Tory using dangerous & inflammatory far-right rhetoric.

Since being elected as an MP for Ipswich in 2019, Hunt has used social media to gaslight his constituents.

In March 2021, he denied claims made by Councillors that he'd refused to meet with front-line key workers, saying that this was due to earlier disputes with #TUC members.

In April 2021, echoing authoritarian populist nationalists the world over, Hunt called for the flying of the Union Jack to be made compulsory in all schools, stating on Twitter that "If any pupils & teachers have concerns about this then surely they can be educated." 😱

Inevitably, in 2021 Hunt voted for a controversial bill that would have reversed the 30 day suspension of Owen Paterson.

It's obvious this divisive clown wants to make a name for himself, & he represents everything wrong with Britain. Imho, he'd be more at home in Britain First.

And now he's voting against sensible COVID measures, despite having spent last #Christmas alone - BECAUSE HE HAD COVID!

At the time he said: “What I would really have struggled with would have been any sense that I myself had given him (his dad) #COVID19."

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