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Software Engineer • COVID-19 Research, Bioinformatics & Statistics • Articles: • Genomics Chat:

Dec 19, 2021, 8 tweets

BIG Age-Adjusted Mortality USA Thread!

> Deaths are given per 100k inhabitants, therefore acct. for pop. growth.
> Age-adjusted rates are calculated based on 6 age bins, acct. for aging!

Up to current week (48):
> 2020: +11.0%
> 2021: +14.2%

1/n #Covid #Covid19 #Covid_19

Full years, 2015-2020.

> 2020: +14.4% above 5y baseline
> 2020, adjusted for 5 extra days. (Week 53)

If the last 4 weeks of 2021 will turn out the same as 2020, 2021 will see 18.4% excess mortality.

That'd another +4% higher than 2020!
Not a great record, considering V was supposed to end all this!

By quarter - Q1:
> 2020 started with a 3% deficit.

By quarter - Q2:

> First wave accounted for almost 19% excess.

By quarter - Q3:
> Summer wave 2021 was worse than 2020.

By quarter - Q4:
> Weeks 40-48.

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