Timothy Fraser Profile picture
#Resilience policy enthusiast, working on #renewables, #disasters, #evacuation, and #covid, @NUPoliSci PhD Candidate, @Fulbright alumn

Dec 20, 2021, 9 tweets

Excited to share my new #study with my colleague Toshiaki Yoshida @to4akiyo4da at @NUPoliSci! We measured strong negative #policy feedback effects of #nuclearpower plants on the overall #socialcapital of cities that host them! Key policy insights for #energy. Tweetorial below!

@to4akiyo4da and I asked, does adopting #nuclearpower strength or weaken cities' civil society? NPPs promised to improve #rural economies, but led to mixed outcomes in Japan (eg. @dojin_tw's article bit.ly/ando_m) How about civil society?

To measure strength of #civilsociety, we used 4 proxies for social cohesion/#socialcapital: total migration (do people stay or leave?), crime rates (strong norms or not?), voter turnout (are they invested?), winning party vote (strong linking ties to govt or not?)

(4) Our matching #experiment found cities as similar as possible except that one set adopted nuclear power, while the other set did not. @to4akiyo4da and I tracked them over time for social indicators and more! @DanielPAldrich @Krodinehardy @professorcostas @ThomasVicino

(5) @to4akiyo4da and I found mixed results: We projected cities with NPPs experienced higher #voter turnout rates, possibly due to increased contentious politics. Pre-Fukushima, NPP towns briefly had higher social capital, but it decreased with each year. @JapanResearch

(6) @to4akiyo4da explored effects in two NPP towns in #Japan, showing that support for majority party decline over time in NPP towns. Despite low crime rates and migration early on, these gains mostly evaporated over time. @jenniecstephens @dicksamuelsMIT @amycatalinac

(7) Best part: we started this paper together the day that COVID shut down Boston schools, synthesizing past fieldwork and available data. #Research during quarantine is hard, but fun when you have great coauthors! @to4akiyo4da @DanielPAldrich @JuheonLee99 @cdcrabtree

(8) Last plug: Intrigued by our work on #nuclearpower? Check out my work with @DanielPAldrich! bit.ly/3EeyTby Or wondering how COVID shaped #Japan? Check out his work with Toshi (@to4akiyo4da) here! bit.ly/japanmiracle

@DanielPAldrich @to4akiyo4da (9) Finally - did you read this far and realize I didn't share the link? Awesome! You must really want to read our article! Check it out on SSRN below!

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