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Dec 22, 2021, 11 tweets

[Thread] 1. SA's #Omicron #COVID19 wave seems to have turned (cautiously optimistic view).
1. Much steeper wave than previous waves, but also much shorter
2. Half the nr of days to reach the Omicron peak vs. peaks of other waves

2. The 7 day moving average of new #COVID19 cases for #Omicron (at what seems/could be the peak of the wave) = 23 4237 vs.
- #Delta peak 19,956
- Beta peak 19,042
- D614G peak 12,584

(numbers via @CAPRISAOfficial and @HealthZA)

3. Here are the 7-day moving averages of new #COVID19SA cases, hospitalisations and in-hospital #COVID deaths up until 19 Dec (via @CAPRISAOfficial, @nicd_sa and DATCOV):
- Hospital admissions and deaths, at this stage, still significantly lower than in previous waves.

4. Test positivity rates (% of tests coming out +) until 19 Dec:
1. Mostly 30% +
2. Tu's 7 day-moving average (via @nicd_sa) = 30.1%

5. Provinces: LP, MP, FS, KZN = all show EARLY signs of their #Omicron waves turning.
- Data via @CAPRISAOfficial and @heatlhza)

6. WC, EC = early signs of turning; GP = confirmed to have turned.
@hivepi, @nicd_sa:
- GP cases peaked on 9 Dec @ 97% of #Delta
- GP admissions peaked on 12 Dec @ 46% of Delta
- Deaths peaked @ 8% of Delta (still rising)

7. Northern Cape = no signs of new #COVID19SA cases decreasing by 19 Dec.

8. @Dr_Groome, @nicd_sa:
Diffs between 3rd and 4th wave:
- In 3rd (#Delta) wave provinces started their waves at very different points in time
- In 4th (#Omicron) wave provinces = seeing their increase in cases and start of waves at a much closer point in time

9. Reasons behind fewer hospitalisations/deaths (so less severe disease, at this stage) could be:
1. Up to 70% of population in some provinces = previously infected (natural immunity)
2. Vaccination (44.5% of adults = 1 dose of vaccine)
3. Most hospitalisations = unvaccinated

10. #COVID19 vaccination coverage of adults (18+) in SA up until 19 Dec (via @CAPRISAOfficial and @HealthZA):
- 1 dose: 44%
- fully vaccinated: 39%

11. For the latest data on #Omicron hospitalisations, severity of cases, % of children admitted to hospital in SA, etc, @nicd_sa media briefing at 12 pm today. I'll be live tweeting.

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