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Official account of Chinar Corps, Indian Army.

Dec 27, 2021, 15 tweets

"The Symbiotic Relationship : Over Ground Workers & Conflict Economy in Jammu & #Kashmir"

The Seminar will be Streamed LIVE on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube on

Join us on 28-29 Dec 2021 from 10 AM onwards.


Highlights of 𝐀𝐌𝐒𝐁 Seminar, Dec 2021

“OGWs enjoy all facilities of democratic rights in our country. They are well placed and enjoy good livelihood. But they drive vulnerable and disgruntled youth towards violence” ~ Lt Gen DP Pandey, #ChinarCorps Cdr


“OGWs IDENTIFY young gullible vulnerable youth, INSTIGATE their minds through select narratives, INITIATE them into acts after which they can't return into society” ~ Lt Gen DP Pandey, #ChinarCorps Cdr


"Digital Radicalisation Groups, diaspora and within Kashmir, are adequately supported by inimical elements to use social media for maintaining continuity of cycle of violence" ~ Lt Gen DP Pandey, #ChinarCorps Cdr


“Terrorist is like a fish and the OGW is the water on which the terrorist survives. Anyone who supports terrorists is an OGW” ~ Lt Gen Subrata Saha (Retd)


“India is the only country in the world who accept MBBS degree from the enemy country” ~ Mr Bashir Assad


“Unlike the extortion Modules of the 90’s, Terrorism is now being financed by #Pakistan using local compact apparatus and intrinsic foreign entities” ~ Mr Imtiyaz Hussain


“This is the time to hit the bulls eye & overthrow every form of treason which is corrupting the smooth functioning of democracy in J&K. The coup of the state machinery is always enabled through the cooperation of the politics which heads the administrative setup” ~ Mr Junaid Mir

“Ample focus and efforts should be laid in identifying scholars & teachers who are working in the scope of anti-India machinery by poisoning the young minds with thoughts that are dangerous for their lives and overall prosperity” ~ Mr Emaad Makhdoomi, Columnist.


“Both Kashmiri Muslims and Hindu Pandits are the sons of the same mother...सिर्फ करवट बदल कर लेटे है।” ~ Mr Javed Beigh


“Abrogation of Article 370 removed the ambiguity from the minds of #Kashmiri Awaam & also strengthened their aspirations & faith in the #Indian Constitution” ~ Mr Mehraj Malik


“Different Tanzeems including K-Fight issue threats & then execute the people who are working for Peace & Prosperity of Jammu & #Kashmir” ~ Mr Wajahat Farooq Bhat


“We will oppose expose & depose every design which will divide us on the name of Region & Religion” ~ Mr Sayed Zeshan


“The Kashmiri Youth's Nationalism stands unquestionable with proud beliefs in our constitutional machinery. It doesn't ask for 'Pro' or any such decorative prefixes. Every individual is equally proud & equally satisfied as any other citizen of our Indian Nation”~ Mr Tauseef Raina

“If #Kashmiri Muslims think they are not Indians, nor part of the Indus Valley Civilization & are only Muslims, then they shall remain the fodder for the conflict entrepreneurs of the world” ~ Ms Aarti Tikoo Singh


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