Jamie Jenkins Profile picture
Political & Economic commentator | Previously head of health/jobs/wages stats @ONS | Stint at @BBC | Award-winning statistician

Dec 31, 2021, 7 tweets

🚨🚨Covid19 cases in Wales are up 101% week on week.

➡️ Cases have less relevance with #Omicron so much more transmissible - patients in intensive care unchanged and deaths down

311 confirmed #COVID19 patients in general beds in Wales - up 32% on a week ago but 79% lower than last year

No change in no of patients in ventilated beds the past week - 72% lower than last year

*Data not updated from yesterday

We continue to see a fall in the number of deaths linked to #Covid19 in Wales although there is a time lag with cases.

Deaths are currently 93% lower than this time last year.

Both the case rate per 100k people and positivity rate (% of tests positive) are the highest they have been recorded.

It's likely they were high at the start in March 2020 but there was very little testing happening.

Rates are highest in the South Wales areas of Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Tydfil

Rates lowest in Monmouthshire, Powys, Carmarthenshire and but even these rates are high compared to the past.

A further 129 patients definitely or probably caught #Covid19 in Welsh hospitals in the w/e 26 Dec - up from 62 in previous week

◾️ Takes the total to 8,720 since the start of the pandemic

#Wales #COVID19 #Vaccine Tracker as at 30 December

1️⃣ 2,490,223 first doses given out - 90.5% of 12 and over

2️⃣ 2,302,282 second doses given out - 83.7% of 12 and over

3️⃣ 1,677,340 booster / third doses given out - 61.0% of 12 and over

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