Bobby Rajesh Malhotra ⁴⁴⁴ Profile picture
τοπ Σεcrετ ιντεrνατιοναλ: 99° GrandMaster | Occult realms researcher | Glowies love me & integral part of my target audience | My guardian angel is known as 444

Jan 1, 2022, 17 tweets

Bumping up old memories.

I wonder what happened in Australia all of a sudden, that flipflop was quite accelerated. John? Ian? @ianfmusgrave? What happened?

Did you guys run out of mafia slang?…

"One, Two, @dnatured's Coming For You

Three, Four, Better Lock Your Door

Five, Six, Grab A Crucifix

Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again"

Backflash101: #MackayMafia lobbying for Olfert Landt's shitty Charité/Corman Drosten primers in 🇦🇺.…

Present: "Great Narrative" Story-Twist?

"Muuuh ref. panel"

"Muuh Omicron"?

Heavily connected:

Contemporary ZiggZagging Drosten (@c_drosten):

His problems with #Acid, Bad Trips, FlipFlops, UberCognitiveDissonance, PanicReactions, BrainTilts, BSODs, Anger Management Problems, Attention Deficit Problems,..

Full (German only):


What did Putin mean by this?…

What did this Russian General mean by this?…

Why did Trevor Bedford unblock me? Lurking Trevor?

He announced to his 400k followers: "Muuuh harassment".

Was I harassing?

No! Open Source Discussion due to GISAID HCoV genomic data Copyright-Gate? Really?

Bonus: What to think of S1 mutational dynamics?

Does Trevor still think that non sterilizing mRNA transfections are not driving VOC?

Does he still think that it's due to "imperfect natural immunity"?

Why is #Immunology101 now imperfect but undefeated for millions of years before?

T9I on E advantage?

More Questions on #Omicron, thinking out loud:

⇢Boosters can never work, only produce VOC, not?

#Omicron doesn't use the ACE2/TMPRSS2 pathway anymore? Evolving to find other receptor cell entries?

⇢Furin cleavage site doesn't work anymore?


⇢qPCR debunked in US?

⇢Can't distinguish omicron and influenza?

⇢Every non sterilizing mRNA transfection-design will show negative efficiency in future now, not? (As is the 🇩🇰 cohort study already showing, but why?

Will Omicron extend, end or aggravate the pandemic?

I currently don't know any defnitive answer, every forecast could drown in confirmational bias easily and immediately, until more data & signals are available and can be analyzed barrierfree.

#Boycott #Science #Paywalls

FollowUp tidbits that could justify more polls:

What happened on 23rd Dec 2021 and was ignored in all MSM-media?

Answer: Correct, Prof. Charles Lieber (@Harvard) was convicted guilty for trying to sweep CCP COIs under the carpet.

Underrated so far? Yes.

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