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The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada.

Jan 28, 2022, 7 tweets

Tonight, @CanadaPlace #SailsofLight in Vancouver, BC is illuminated yellow to remember the murder of 6 million Jews during the #Holocaust. Across #Canada, public venues are illuminated to declare #WeRemember, #NeverAgain, #NeverForget. #IHRD @WorldJewishCong @CIJAinfo

6 million Jewish children, women, and men were murdered in the #Holocaust. We must never forget. Today is #IHRD, and @VanConventions Olympic Cauldron in Vancouver is illuminated in yellow as part of the @WorldJewishCong #WeRemember campaign. Tonight, we say #NeverAgain

@CityofVancouver Burrard St Bridge is illuminated yellow for #IHRD to remember the 6 million Jews murdered in the #Holocaust. The horror, the trauma, the brutality, the devastation. Tonight #WeRemember @WorldJewishCong

@BloedelConserv glows in yellow in recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day #WeRemember @WorldJewishCong

On international Holocaust Remembrance Day, @CityofVancouver City Hall is lit up yellow to remember the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

We must never forget what can happen when hatred goes unchecked. #WeRemember @WorldJewishCong

@bcplace and @scienceworldca
glowing yellow tonight for International #Holocaust Remembrance Day, honouring the 6 million Jews murdered by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during the Shoa 
#WeRemember #NeverAgain @WorldJewishCong

@BCLegislature in Victoria, is illuminated yellow for #IHRD to remember the 6 million Jews murdered in the #Holocaust.

Tonight, #WeRemember the #Shoah & declare: #NeverAgain. @WorldJewishCong

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