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Feb 12, 2022, 14 tweets

#BREAKING Ukraine says 'critically important to remain calm' in face of Russia threat

#BREAKING Russia says cutting back diplomatic staff in Ukraine

#BREAKING Germany advises nationals to leave Ukraine

#BREAKING US embassy in Kyiv orders non-emergency staff to leave Ukraine

#UPDATE US President Joe Biden and France's Emmanuel Macron prepared to sound out Russia's Vladimir Putin on Saturday and #Ukraine urged its citizens not to panic after Washington warned that an all-out invasion could begin "any day" #BlackSea

#BREAKING Lavrov tells Blinken West pursuing 'provocative goals' in Ukraine: Russian foreign ministry

#BREAKING Blinken tells Lavrov diplomatic path remains 'open', but requires Moscow 'to deescalate': State Dept.

#BREAKING Ukraine leader Zelensky says warnings of Russian invasion 'provoking panic', demands to see firm proof

#BREAKING US withdraws nearly all remaining soldiers from Ukraine: Pentagon

#BREAKING Macron tells Putin 'sincere dialogue' incompatible with 'escalation' on Ukraine: French presidency

#BREAKING Putin tells Macron Ukraine invasion claims are 'provocative speculation': Kremlin

#BREAKING France says President Macron to speak to Biden, Scholz, Zelensky Saturday

#BREAKING Dutch flag carrier KLM suspends flights to Ukraine until further notice: airline

#UPDATE KLM said it had canceled its scheduled Saturday evening flight to Kyiv and suspended all other Ukraine flights "until further notice," after it conducted a "comprehensive security analysis" and the Dutch government warned citizens against travel to the country

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