R P Shah Memorial Trust for Kids & Global Health Profile picture
10k Health Care Workers in40 countries collecting info,Epidemiologists,Scientists, #globalpublichealth,#clean air,LongCovidAdvocate Rpshahmemorial1@mstdn.social

Feb 16, 2022, 12 tweets

The story of #Mild #Omicron Part 1
Long Thread -Story of 8 countries
Italy- Deaths due to Omicron have been higher than Delta by miles and almost reaching prevaccination levels .Vaccines were released around end December- Early January in most countries #OmicronIsNotMild ctd)

Ctd2)Denmark is second country- Again the Delta was decimated by the vaccines BUT with the Omicron the deaths have reached almost pre vaccine deaths #OmicronIsNotMild, #Omicron, #OmicronVariant , Also the Danes like others opened up after reaching good vaccination levels .

Ctd3) Country 3- Canada -Here too #Omicron crossed the deaths due to Delta by miles , reaching number of deaths before vaccination, in fact overshooting that number
#OmicronIsNotMild , needless to say the Canadians are fed up because it is #Mild in the media

Ctd4) Fourth Country France -Here too deaths due to #Omicron is very high compared to Delta(Aug) while reaching the peak pre vaccine ie Jan/ Feb 2021. #OmicronIsNotMild.

Ctd5) 5th Country UK- Here too the #Omicron has caused more deaths than #Delta . However the deaths due to pre vaccines have not been reached and that gives UK a false sense of confidence, however they need to understand that it was mayhem before vaccines in UK .

Ctd6) country no 6-US -Here too the deaths due to #Omicron have crossed deaths due to Delta and may reach pre vaccination levels if the BA.2 causes a new wave on wave phenomena as in Denmark.ctd)

Ctd7) Country 7-Israel- Deaths due to #Omicron are much higher than #Delta and cross the number of deaths before the vaccines #OmicronIsNotMild , #RPSMTrust, #DrVipulShahLucknow ,

Ctd8) Country no 8- Japan - Deaths due to #Omicron cross the deaths before vaccines were introduced by a length .Now I come to learning from these 8 examples- 1) #OmicronIsNotMild 2) The itch to normalcy is dangerous #VaccinePlus ctd)

Ctd9) learning 3) The need to upgrade vaccines is very urgent 4) Heterologus boosters are the way forward in my opinion 5) Just boosting with the available M-RNA vaccines are not helping us as much as we want . #EarlyTreatment, #BetterBoosters ,#Covaxin , @PeterHotez

Ctd 10) I will in a day/ two put forward my views on the countries which are showing just the opposite and my learning from their experiences. #StayTuned . Let's learn from what others can teach us, no Binary Discussion and no gaslighting please.

A fourth dose of the Pfizer is able to protect only 30% odd against infection and 11% of Moderna protected against infection THOUGH the antibodies were boosted and poor outcomes were prevented still #UpgradeTheCovidVaccines


Please find the second part of the discussion in the thread below .

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